Internet is easier for me than IRL.
I can be myself without worrying as much about screwing up because of my stupid AS and anxiety. I doubt I would have met friends IRL like I have online. Actually, I've managed to make some friends IRL before, but maintaining friendships is always a problem with me. Always seems to involve things I can't keep up with. Social stuff which is complicated by AS/SAD. Other than that it's easier for me, I don't see any difference. If I have a friend who I met online, I still care about them as much as I would IRL. It annoys me that people don't understand that. That's partly why I don't talk to people about Starbuline except online. They wouldn't appreciate it as much, and she deserves more than just being some random person off the internet.
I don't have a job. But relationships and friendships are only online for me. maybe that's sad (actually yes, it probably is in my case), but at least it means I still had them. I'd rather have someone online who loves me than a "friend" IRL who just uses me for lifts home or online invites me to places with them when no one else is there. Which is basically all I get offline.
I am more honest online though. People who get to know me online know me better than people I meet IRL, as I am myself with them and don't feel the need to hold things back as much. The internet is like RL for me, but without all the difficult and confusing stuff. Well, less of it anyway.