Yeah but are your taking the piss or are you being serious, cos I dont agree with a lot of stuff you are saying.
Like senseble clothing like annoraks (sp?). Shit I wear black all the time, even in the middle of our hot arse aussie summers, and I never wear shorts, cos I look crap in shorts, plus I can never find good footware or socks to go with shorts. So its black jeans for me all the time. Plus I wear long sleave black t-shirts like all the time, summer (too hot) and in winter (too cold). But thats cos its a sensory issue combined with an internal fashion thing going on.
Although I have to wear a hat in summer cos I shave all my hair of a lot of the time, so I have a black cap with 'PHLEXOR' on the front.... No shit. (thats probably the lamest shit ever, but I just dont care. I think sometimes I just
want to look stupid)
Oh and sometimes I go out in my black Jedi cloack just to freak people out in shopping centres. Most ppl try to pretend you arent there. hehe, fuckers..