Author Topic: Does your cat PWN dogs?  (Read 206 times)

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Does your cat PWN dogs?
« on: January 29, 2008, 09:39:21 PM »
My friend had a dog that was terrified of the cat.
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Re: Does your cat PWN dogs?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2008, 09:51:50 PM »
Another cat was found mutilated. It's the latest in a string of brutal attacks on cats in San Antonio. Keith and Paige Martin are still in shock after their 10-year-old cat “Sunny” was found mutilated in their own front yard. “It's not like you want to get into someone like that's head, but you wonder what in the world they're thinking?” said Keith Martin.

The Martins say they found part of Sunny's intestines on their curb. The cat had been skinned. The rest of her body was found across the street in the ditch - where it was burned. “I was scared to think that there were people or a person that had come into our neighborhood and committed such a crime,” said Paige Martin. This is the third case we have reported on in just a week, but as the Martins told us, there may be more.

“After the news program last night that there had been other cats killed, we decided that we needed to pursue it a little more,” explain Paige Martin. They called Animal Care Services Saturday morning, and an investigator rushed out. “The animal control person that came confirmed that it was somebody that did this,” said Keith Martin.

The investigator also said sunny wasn't the only victim. “He said this was the fourth confirmed case that we've had,” said Keith Martin. Now the Martins say they want to make people aware, so another pet owner doesn't have to make a grave discovery like this. The Martin's say they called Animal Care Services out of concern that someone is out on the streets, doing this to people's pets.

Another cat was found cut in half in a neighborhood on the North Side. People living on Encino River say it looked like someone drained the blood from the cat, and its heart was missing. With Halloween coming up, Animal Care Services is banning the adoptions of certain types of cats. Starting Monday, people will not be allowed to adopt cats that are black or white. That ban will run through the end of the month.

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Re: Does your cat PWN dogs?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2008, 09:56:06 PM »
Our smaller dog part pit bull part Jack Russel terrier is terrified of out cats even the kittens :laugh:

Our big one just licks them ???
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Re: Does your cat PWN dogs?
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2008, 09:57:36 PM »
an attempt to drown the kitten who was inside a trap, which was lowered into the water. The lid was placed on the can. A brick was placed on top of the lid and the can was covered with a tarp and other material.

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Re: Does your cat PWN dogs?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2008, 11:53:25 PM »
Why are you spamming intensity with cat threads? Are we as bad as Alex Plank?  :'(