can someone please highlight the intresting parts in the longest post ever.

I will try to summarize it:
Will Freund wrote a suicidal post on WP on October 4, 2005:
Buhaha Useing the info from on the bust stop, also known as ash and Geo Stones Book I have found a simple and painless way to kill myself!All Im asking Before I do this, and threaten many websites.
Things Id like to have
Free money, Trouble getting jobs,and even in and out cant afford my expensive tastes, im a compulsive buyer now since theres nothing to do, I finish things to quickly.
Instant Friends
Ive always been a caregiver and A Volunteer But nobody wants to be my friend or after a conversation its so ackward I would say the average person lasts 3 days.Never had a friend my entire life and have no one on my cell phone besides my parents...had my cellphone since I was 16,I am 19 now.
My own residence with help getting cheap medication
Cant afford to live on my own,but having some place to live away from my onvercontroling abusive dad will be a positive to my life.
I absolutly hate anomity , but at the same time hate talking to people,anxiety.
I dont know im gona see where this goes its a dumb idea, im sure alot of people have tried it, thus this is why ytou dont see it
There had been lots of people just before then writing "suicidal posts" just to troll, so some people answered like they thought that Will Freund was trolling, saying things like "knock yourself out."
Monastic was very concerned that Will Freund was seriously suicidal, as were several moderators, so they thought that people should not be responding like that to Will Freund if he was actually suicidal.
She posted this in the Mod forum on WP:
I was worried about a member on WrongPlanet. I addressed this when I wrote this thread on the moderators only forum;
(me, writing to the other moderators)
"I think this thread should be watched carefully;
I'm not sure if this person is being upfront with a threat of suicide or if it is just another of those goofy "tests" that has been posted lately and then is said to be "all in the name of fun & games"
For ________ to tell them to knock themselves out is truly inappropriate I feel (even as a joke) but what I feel is inappropriate is not usually what the majority feels so I thought I'd ask all of you.
(at this time I had just been challenged and called names for making a call on a post that I thought was inappropriate for the general forum. I felt the post should be moved to a mature forum and there was opposition regarding this action)
I went on to say;
I don't think suicide scares are something to be treated lightly (or to be done as a joke, for that matter). If someone follows through with suicide, it could backfire on WP to be seen as a site where members replied to the victim, "knock yourself""
(At the time, I didn't realize how prophetic this post would become)
They had a long discussion about it.
Will Freund made more posts that sounded suicidal, Monastic was trying to talk to him by PM and several moderators were trying everything that they could think of to figure out who Will Freund was and how to get him some help IRL, but Alex Plank did nothing until after Will Freund killed a neighbor and himself, then he seemed primarily interested in milking the publicity.
Some people were angry at the moderators, saying that they should have done more, but they did the best they could at the time with what they had:
On October 30th, one of the administrators posted this in the mods only forum;
"a heads up, people:
if this is willfreund, we need to keep an eye on the thread, to see how people respond - feelings might run high, especially confusion, shock, maybe even guilt (have had to deal with stuff like this before). with any luck, it won't happen, but just in case.
and we need to be absolutely clear that no-one here is in any way accountable or responsible for anything which has happened. any feelings of "if only i'd/we'd done x..." are normal, but there isn't anything anyone could have done to prevent this."
One Admin. wrote;
I am guessing that this is Willfreund1 for a couple of reasons. One, the story is true. I verified it with the LA Times. Two, his IP links had oc in them. It could mean either Orange County (or Oklahoma City for all we know).
In either case, we have to act for when the witch hunt gets underway."
....and a witch hunt it was. I feel under the circumstances and being who we were, we did the best we could with the abilities we had. Only ALEX PLANK had the ability to ban Will or turn him in to the authorities and he kept silent when he should have taken action.
The experience has changed me forever. I was at least "coming out of my shell" a bit more, at least online and now, it's everything I can do to force myself to speak to others online, I mostly lurk. I doubt myself alot and my advice & can't help but feel responsible even though in my heart I really doubt we could have changed Will's mind on his suicide - I just wish we could have prevented others from being killed.
I believe the wrong medications and parents/doctors not listening to Will when he tried to let them know that he was taking something that wasn't working was the ultimate reason things went so terribly wrong. He had decided on suicide long before he came to WrongPlanet, I believe. He just hadn't worked out the time or the details, yet.
So, I'm sure you have your own feelings on what should have, would have, could have been. It's been years since this tragic day but still I think of what could have happened, what we could have done that could have changed the course of history for these poor people and one very troubled young man. All ALEX PLANK could think of with a sort of Sick-Enjoyment, was how many people would visit WrongPlanet after this tragic event. I will forever remember this about Alex.