
Author Topic: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank  (Read 9937 times)

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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #75 on: January 27, 2008, 01:35:15 PM »
After the fucking shit I've had from people just for telling the TRUTH then a cunt like him deserves everything he gets for saying something like that about a 15 year old who's been raped

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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #76 on: January 27, 2008, 02:47:02 PM »
He's a greedy fucker that takes advantage of people's charity.
You're the retarded offspring of five monkeys having buttsex with a fish squirrel, congratulations.

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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #77 on: January 27, 2008, 07:10:05 PM »
It's HCTR from wrongplanet.   And I don't give a fuck about Alex because if I did, that would mean he mattered in my life.  He doesn't and he doesn't deserve to matter in my life.

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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #78 on: January 27, 2008, 09:55:08 PM »
I'd actually put it down to jealousy.
I think that was his whole problem with Sophie.
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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #79 on: January 28, 2008, 02:07:00 PM »
Wht was he jealous of her for? Except that everyone liked her and no one with a brain liked him

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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #80 on: January 28, 2008, 03:13:12 PM »
Wht was he jealous of her for? Except that everyone liked her and no one with a brain liked him
Besides that!   :laugh:  Do you ever think he had a crush on her?  I wasn't close to either of them, but just from the way you guys say he talked about her, sounds like he was interested in her himself.
hats off to the man on top of the world
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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #81 on: January 28, 2008, 03:22:04 PM »
Sounds like he needs the attention and hates it when others get more than him.

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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #82 on: January 28, 2008, 03:33:38 PM »
I think he wanted to be Sophie's hero, the one who'd straighten out all her problems if she'd just follow all his advice and look up to him.  She saw through all that egomania, of course, and it made him feel stupid so he started blaming Soph as a bad influence.  He just probably couldn't face the idea that he might not have been as wonderful an influence on her as he thought.
hats off to the man on top of the world
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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #83 on: January 28, 2008, 03:39:14 PM »
She didn't even like him. I find it pathetic that so many mindless idiots on that site actually believe what he'd written. Even when I showed them evidence that he was lying, I still got "no, alex is a good guy, you don't know what you're talking about" and all that crap.


I don't know what I'm talking about? I know what I'm talking about in regards to Starbuline more than every single one of the people on WP put together. He didn't help her at all. He wasn't there when she got raped. He wasn't there when she was cutting herself. He wasn't there when she ended up getting taken to the psych ward. He wasn't there when Michael died. What the fuck did he ever do for her? I was there for all of those things, and she knew that, so how can he sit tehre and say he helped her and I'm the one to blame for it? I fucking helped her, not him.   >:(


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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #84 on: January 28, 2008, 03:39:40 PM »
I want that Alex Plank Sympathy Thread gone

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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #85 on: January 28, 2008, 03:43:38 PM »
Wht was he jealous of her for? Except that everyone liked her and no one with a brain liked him
Besides that!   :laugh:  Do you ever think he had a crush on her?  I wasn't close to either of them, but just from the way you guys say he talked about her, sounds like he was interested in her himself.

Listen to the way he giggles about her,
on his video. Yeah he did. Can't blame him
though.  :laugh:


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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #86 on: January 28, 2008, 05:14:02 PM »
I think he wanted to be Sophie's hero, the one who'd straighten out all her problems if she'd just follow all his advice and look up to him.  She saw through all that egomania, of course, and it made him feel stupid so he started blaming Soph as a bad influence.  He just probably couldn't face the idea that he might not have been as wonderful an influence on her as he thought.

Sort of like the way he sees himself as the Aspie "Moses".  At least thats the way I'm seeing this.  But, then again there's several others out there that envision themselves as "Aspie Moses" trying to lead us to the promised land.    ::)  Ego, pure unalduterated delusional ego.   :wanker:


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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #87 on: January 28, 2008, 05:25:08 PM »
He wants everyone to look at him and think how great he is for helping poor suicidal teenagers and being such a great role model

Look at the shit replies that were in that "tribute" thread:

"Wow, I'm so sorry, Alex. You have all my sympathy, and I'll be sending good thoughts your way. I hope that you have good friends and family who can help you through this difficult time."

"Alex, I am sorry your friend is gone."

"Does anyone know the cause of her death?"

"How did she take her own life?"

"Bloody hell, her boyfriend also did the same?"

"Where were the warning signs that indicated this might happen?"

"I just had a look at her blog, and this clearly indicated that there was a problem."

"Could it possibly be that someone from her family hijacked her accounts, changed her passwords, and told some people on that pisshole that she was dead?"

"I'd like to know more about Starbuline. Moreover, what caused her demise?"

"Then WHAT IS the thread to discuss what happened to her??"

"Her last weeks of life were spent having a distorted perception of WP, and the people on it that she had friendships with."

"I wonder why her bf committed suicde though......"

"I'm so sorry Alex, you've worked very hard to make this website a lifeline to many people all over the world, and it is. But you did not fail Sophie, and I worry you may feel that way."

How is that a tribute thread?

He's allowing people to post bullshit about her, ask questions they have no right to know the answers to (which he answered) and post a load of sickening bullshit sympathy to him for "losing a friend" when that's a load of crap anyway

He said he wanted it to just be for posting good thigns about Sophie. That's not what it was. He should have deleted all that crap, including the comment about her being "mean"

But he didn;t

Yet if anyone even remotely criticises him at all (even when it's proven fact), it gets deleted within 5 minutes


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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #88 on: January 28, 2008, 05:38:24 PM »
Like you said, it's shit  :poop: :fos: and he is.  But, in all honesty and to be blunt, there's not much you can do about what he says.  The people who think he's a "hero" wil not stop thinking that and the people who think he's an ass,   (like me) also will not stop thinking that.  Your preaching to the choir, as they say.  At some point I hope you can put his bs in perspective and walk away from it.  Your just driving yourself crazy letting his bs get you upset.  Sooner or later, he will get caught up in his own created "persona" and fall flat on his face/ass.

The internet is full of "poseurs" and people who have invested so much time and effort into the image they project.  That it's become a life and death struggle for them to maintain it.  And I must admit, he has quite an impressive "facade". 

I hope that makes sense.  I'm pulling for ya!   :thumbup:   :plus:


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Re: I would like to know the simple facts why everyone hates Alex Plank
« Reply #89 on: January 28, 2008, 06:02:02 PM »
I got better recently and stopped posting about him for quite a while, but then I got worse the last 2 weeks for some reason

I'll try and stop again though  :laugh:

It just fucks me off really badly, then I get angry lol