Simple fact that is all boils down to, he has issues, we all do. I am not supporting him in anyway, and I have not really had much of a run in with him. I kind of take the fact that someone has issues before I take any actions.
He lied to my face too. Told me I had been warned before no questions asked. Just when did he send me a warning.
He's lied to me many times. I can't stand liars. Also, one time in the chatroom, he and I got into an argument...he then logged in with two other names, and pretended they weren't him. Then he used them to back up his "arguments" (He basically used them to be assholes to me and for a reason to ban me). 
I wouldn't say I hate him (anymore), but in the past many of his actions pissed me off.
Yeah I am sure he would like that, piss you off.

Sorta sounds like you want him to do that, I mean if you hated him that much, it would have made you more careful of your words.

I am just teasing, no need to get your stupid boring pep squad after me. Its funny to watch them try.