Aparently there are people here complaining about the noise from wind turbines, saying they register a low level hum that forces them to move away from their properties. Shit, what do these people want? If you want to go green, you put up with the shit involved. If you can't handle the inconvenience of what the turbines are doing, then you can't complain about coal fired generators. I bet these wankers would even complain about bigperv's idea....
People always need something to bitch about. People want clean energy, but they don't like the look of wind turbines, don't like the loss of farmland and the expense of solar fields, and don't like the flooding of a valley for hydroelectric dams. They're against building new nuclear plants because of Chernobyl and Fukushima because apparently a plant built in 2011 would use the same 1970s safety control technology as Chernobyl in their minds. They're against coal power plants that use scrubbing filters to produce almost no emissions and instead use the smoke for industrial products because they don't care about the amount of effort that goes into protecting the environment because they like to believe that it's impossible to burn coal and not pollute.
The most outspoken opponents to clean power seem to be it's biggest supporters, but unlike them, I don't bitch about little things like that, I prefer to bitch about those who do the bitching.