
Author Topic: Wrong Planet.  (Read 17450 times)

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Offline Phlexor

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #465 on: July 25, 2008, 07:19:50 AM »
So your contribution here besides snow the forum with delightful and boring theories about denying one of the worst (if not the worst) atrocities in recent times is to tell us that we are all behaving incorrectly at our forum.

I'm not denying any attrocities that actually did take place. It's just the lies and distortions included in the so-called Holocaust that I object to and I notice that none of you did a serious attempt to debunk my arguments in spite of your self-righteousness and your arrogance. Like a bunch of blind lemmings you all just assume that the status quo must be correct because you're too brainwashed to even contemplate an explanation for the piles of bodies found at Dachau and the tattoo on your neighbor's arm that doesn't imply genocide.

He was banned, and he's telling us how to behave? Lawl.

I was banned from other forums for mentioning proven facts that just happen to be controversial enough to trigger the most irrational emotional response from 95% of the population. You can hardly blame me for the gullability and closedmindedness of those folks. I'm just the messenger here....

Anyway, like GalileoAce pointed out : this topic is just going around in circles. You guys seem to be unwilling to do anything but repeat the same mantra of insults and assumtions, so just continue shouting your profanity at the wall. I'm no longer participating in your pathetic and immature alternative for debate.

Oh that's right, it's not you, it's everybody else.

Poor IlluSionS667. It must be hard being you.


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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #466 on: July 25, 2008, 07:40:14 AM »
So when does this cat fight get interesting? I'm falling asleep here.

Lord Plexor sucks for being I2 2008's "tough guy".

Yeah, coming from you, I'm sure it really hurts.

I'm sure it does, so get over it, you fucking Peegai clone.

I'm flattered, but I don't want to be your internet lover.

Clone, not lover. Stupid dyslexics.

You're boring.

As are you. Autistic parents playing as keyboard warriors don't faze me at all. :(

Offline Phlexor

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #467 on: July 25, 2008, 07:46:26 AM »
So when does this cat fight get interesting? I'm falling asleep here.

Lord Plexor sucks for being I2 2008's "tough guy".

Yeah, coming from you, I'm sure it really hurts.

I'm sure it does, so get over it, you fucking Peegai clone.

I'm flattered, but I don't want to be your internet lover.

Clone, not lover. Stupid dyslexics.

You're boring.

As are you. Autistic parents playing as keyboard warriors don't faze me at all. :(

Are we meant to faze you? Nobody told me, I didn't get the memo. Shit.

Thanks for being such a swell guy, making sure I get enough attention here. It's been really uplifting. Lets keep our fingers crossed and hope you get in the newsbox for it!  :thumbup:

Offline vodz

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #468 on: July 25, 2008, 08:25:47 AM »
Don't worry Phlex, he hazes every up-comming troll.

Just piss everywhere and you'll stake out some territory. Just don't piss on me or you'll be truly sorry. :evillaugh:
This brain could do with some more dimethyltryptamine.

What is the difference between ignorance and apathy? "I don't know and I don't care."


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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #469 on: July 25, 2008, 08:34:55 AM »

Are we meant to faze you? Nobody told me, I didn't get the memo. Shit.

Thanks for being such a swell guy, making sure I get enough attention here. It's been really uplifting. Lets keep our fingers crossed and hope you get in the newsbox for it!  :thumbup:

It's part of the Path to Trollhood. Weren't you informed, or couldn't you read the memo because of something so pitiful like dyslexia?


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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #470 on: July 25, 2008, 09:52:48 AM »
Illusionist: Your IQ definitely is self diagnosed, because no psychologist or mental facility would have certified you with one, let alone and IQ of 137. Your argument and refusal to accept anyone's reason as to why they won't debate your Nazi agenda is total proof that you haven't even the foggiest idea of how to debate even a kindergarten class on the benefits of Play-dough versus Plasticine. When someone says they are not interested (as I have said for the millionth fucking time), it means they want you to SHUT THE FUCK UP. It doesn't mean that you can keep boring us shitless with an endless stream of nonsense prattle. I'm sure you and Adolf must have some close relationship, given that you keep on and on and on from your soapbox and end up resulting in boring everyone else within hearing distance to death. Where is Martin Bormann when you need him; with you his briefcase bomb might have had some success.

So on behalf of the 324 members here who think your bullshit is not worth the effort, fuck off and start up your own thread.

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #471 on: July 25, 2008, 10:47:33 AM »
Well that is the thing Illusionist asks us what we think of his pet subject we tell him and he get in our faces about it and throws us stuff he has carefully researched for the topic he has only just introduced us to, and wonders why we can't disprove him right away. It is like giving the defence lawyer 5 years research and giving the file to the prosecutor the day before and wondering why there is a difficulty in debating fairly. Even so I am wondering why he thinks being able to cite this research is associated with his IQ or OUR ability not to be able to put our hands on research proves the opposite. Of course the upshot of it is the "care" factor. Why do we care again?

Hey I do debate on this site, whenever it suits me and to whomever I want. What I will be fucked if I will do is to debate this holocaust crap and have Illusionist dictate the terms for any debate. See I don't feel the least bit bad either. There is fun and there is masturbating with a cheese grater....and debating the holocaust conspiracy is not fun.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline renaeden

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #472 on: July 25, 2008, 11:19:45 PM »
Well that is the thing Illusionist asks us what we think of his pet subject we tell him and he get in our faces about it and throws us stuff he has carefully researched for the topic he has only just introduced us to, and wonders why we can't disprove him right away. It is like giving the defence lawyer 5 years research and giving the file to the prosecutor the day before and wondering why there is a difficulty in debating fairly.
Exactly. Have read the thread but cannot give any argument or opinion of my own. Saving myself from being owned.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

Offline Phlexor

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #473 on: July 26, 2008, 11:01:41 AM »
Don't worry Phlex, he hazes every up-comming troll.

Just piss everywhere and you'll stake out some territory. Just don't piss on me or you'll be truly sorry. :evillaugh:

I was under the impression that us aussies knew not to piss on each others feet at the trough.

Offline Phlexor

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #474 on: July 26, 2008, 11:02:17 AM »

Are we meant to faze you? Nobody told me, I didn't get the memo. Shit.

Thanks for being such a swell guy, making sure I get enough attention here. It's been really uplifting. Lets keep our fingers crossed and hope you get in the newsbox for it!  :thumbup:

It's part of the Path to Trollhood. Weren't you informed, or couldn't you read the memo because of something so pitiful like dyslexia?

Hopefully it was because I was blind drunk.

Offline Alex179

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #475 on: July 26, 2008, 10:13:20 PM »
Don't worry Phlex, he hazes every up-comming troll.

Just piss everywhere and you'll stake out some territory. Just don't piss on me or you'll be truly sorry. :evillaugh:
Go ahead and piss on Vodzy, he is a closet lover of golden showers.
:P   Internets are super serious.

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #476 on: July 27, 2008, 12:29:30 AM »
It's not that I disagree with the act of making the choices, but rather the choices themselves. Of those participating (including Illusions) in the argument Parts seems to be the only one being mature about it. Sure you can choose to be immature, but, like all other choices, it will lead to consequences based on those choices. Me loosing respect for you, being one possible consequence. I don't agree with Illusions point of view, and have no need to argue it with him, but I was interested in how he came to that point of view, so I probed that, but I did so in a mature manner.

The way you respond to your enemies is just as, if not more, important than the way you respond to your allies.

Well that made for a very stern lecture GA.....but let's look at the big picture here.

You have decided that there ought to be a certain "right" of response to which you will enforce if not adhered to in the manner you would have it be. You are the apparent gauge to what is acceptable. You agree with Illusionist (the member who recently joined this forum with horrendously bigoted viewpoints and as a holocaust denier who insults all the memories of those affected by it. A poster who was kicked out of every other forum because of those hateful beliefs and who is only here because of the fact that the forum allows posters to have the choice to pretty much do or say as they like.) and you think it is fine him controlling the way he is to be treated here and how we conduct ourselves around him? Is that right? The "threat" of you losing respect for me, is that what Illusionist may have said to me (to control my actions) if he thought he may have some? Of course you say it now.

The freedom of choice does not go one way. It goes across the board. You would seek to inhibit that choice and restrict your own freedoms elsewhere. Odeon as the webmaster could kick out Illusionist and say "He was being too serious from now on you all have to be immature or else there will be consequences". I am betting you would have issue with it. Yet have no problem trying to do the opposite here.

I will behave in ways that are serious, silly, snarky, compassionate and a good number of other things and being a member of a good many forums I appreciate my freedom to do so. I also see others being given that freedom as a good thing. You can minus my karma as much as you like. That is your choice. You can call me out as immature. Your choice. You can try to seek to have the freedoms we all enjoy on this forum for the benefit of yourself and a man who thumbs his nose at one of the nastiest pieces in history. Your choice. You can choice to lose respect for me. Your choice. You can even seek to further justify how you could possibly be right doing so . Your choice. What you can't choose though is to stop me being me and ultimately not responding to your emotional blackmail. I don't do that. I am hoping for your sake you are just off on a tangent and that you will realise why what you have posted is against reasonableness. I like you GA but I sure as hell won't be manipulated by you.
We are not manipulated if We do not won't to be manipulated at all.
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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #477 on: July 27, 2008, 05:06:10 AM »
It's not that I disagree with the act of making the choices, but rather the choices themselves. Of those participating (including Illusions) in the argument Parts seems to be the only one being mature about it. Sure you can choose to be immature, but, like all other choices, it will lead to consequences based on those choices. Me loosing respect for you, being one possible consequence. I don't agree with Illusions point of view, and have no need to argue it with him, but I was interested in how he came to that point of view, so I probed that, but I did so in a mature manner.

The way you respond to your enemies is just as, if not more, important than the way you respond to your allies.

Well that made for a very stern lecture GA.....but let's look at the big picture here.

You have decided that there ought to be a certain "right" of response to which you will enforce if not adhered to in the manner you would have it be. You are the apparent gauge to what is acceptable. You agree with Illusionist (the member who recently joined this forum with horrendously bigoted viewpoints and as a holocaust denier who insults all the memories of those affected by it. A poster who was kicked out of every other forum because of those hateful beliefs and who is only here because of the fact that the forum allows posters to have the choice to pretty much do or say as they like.) and you think it is fine him controlling the way he is to be treated here and how we conduct ourselves around him? Is that right? The "threat" of you losing respect for me, is that what Illusionist may have said to me (to control my actions) if he thought he may have some? Of course you say it now.

The freedom of choice does not go one way. It goes across the board. You would seek to inhibit that choice and restrict your own freedoms elsewhere. Odeon as the webmaster could kick out Illusionist and say "He was being too serious from now on you all have to be immature or else there will be consequences". I am betting you would have issue with it. Yet have no problem trying to do the opposite here.

I will behave in ways that are serious, silly, snarky, compassionate and a good number of other things and being a member of a good many forums I appreciate my freedom to do so. I also see others being given that freedom as a good thing. You can minus my karma as much as you like. That is your choice. You can call me out as immature. Your choice. You can try to seek to have the freedoms we all enjoy on this forum for the benefit of yourself and a man who thumbs his nose at one of the nastiest pieces in history. Your choice. You can choice to lose respect for me. Your choice. You can even seek to further justify how you could possibly be right doing so . Your choice. What you can't choose though is to stop me being me and ultimately not responding to your emotional blackmail. I don't do that. I am hoping for your sake you are just off on a tangent and that you will realise why what you have posted is against reasonableness. I like you GA but I sure as hell won't be manipulated by you.
We are not manipulated if We do not won't to be manipulated at all.

The only manipulation going on here is that which Illusionist is doing with his erector set.... er dick, as he thinks up more bullshit on his pet subject. Hang on, I can see it growing, he must have another orgasm.. er rant coming on.  :wanker:

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #478 on: July 27, 2008, 05:34:26 AM »
Well you don't have to "listen" to him.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way


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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #479 on: July 27, 2008, 06:05:57 AM »
Considering there is only about 6 pages out of 32 on this whole thread that is any good, and the rest is taken up with his crap, it's a bit hard to miss.

Besides, isn't the point of Intensity to get stuck into people who need a good cyber-slap?