Author Topic: Wrong Planet.  (Read 17184 times)

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Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #120 on: July 14, 2008, 01:15:26 PM »
You don't deserve a reply at all, to be honest. One should not feed the trolls, nor the kooks.

You're so pathetic....

Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #121 on: July 14, 2008, 01:16:14 PM »
That's a completely different discussion...

Can you name any such country where the suicide rates have even been measured with any degree of scientific accuracy? Feel free to provide them, otherwise suicide rate is not useful to your argument at all.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Gallup Polls from 2005 and 2006 show that countries that are more religious tend to have lower suicide rates.

Interesting. So religion and suicide are negatively correlated.

But this study counted any religion. What makes your spirituality any better than any of the others on the planet?

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #122 on: July 14, 2008, 01:44:05 PM »
You don't deserve a reply at all, to be honest. One should not feed the trolls, nor the kooks.

You're so pathetic....

And I should really stop feeding you altogether. It's just that the Holocaust should never be ignored because the world should never be allowed to forget.
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Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #123 on: July 14, 2008, 01:48:44 PM »
And I should really stop feeding you altogether. It's just that the Holocaust should never be ignored because the world should never be allowed to forget.

I fully agree, however it is important we get our facts straight first...

Are you Jewish? Because if you are, that would explain your irrational approach ;)

Offline odeon

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #124 on: July 14, 2008, 01:53:35 PM »
And I should really stop feeding you altogether. It's just that the Holocaust should never be ignored because the world should never be allowed to forget.

I fully agree, however it is important we get our facts straight first...

You should, yes.

Are you Jewish? Because if you are, that would explain your irrational approach ;)

The truth is never irrational.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #125 on: July 14, 2008, 01:55:44 PM »
I notice that you've still not addressed the little matter of Dr Konrad and his lack of academic method. What's the matter? Googling like mad, but not able to disprove what I say?
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Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #126 on: July 14, 2008, 01:55:51 PM »
And I should really stop feeding you altogether. It's just that the Holocaust should never be ignored because the world should never be allowed to forget.

I fully agree, however it is important we get our facts straight first...

You should, yes.

I've got my facts straight.

Are you Jewish? Because if you are, that would explain your irrational approach ;)

The truth is never irrational.

The truth isn't. Your behavior is.

I notice you didn't answer my question. I guess that means my suspicion is correct.

Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #127 on: July 14, 2008, 01:56:45 PM »
I notice that you've still not addressed the little matter of Dr Konrad and his lack of academic method. What's the matter? Googling like mad, but not able to disprove what I say?

What lack of academic method? I did address the issue of Rudolf's pseudonyms several posts ago.

Offline odeon

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #128 on: July 14, 2008, 02:08:29 PM »
Are you serious? Do you actually think it's OK for someone purporting to be an academic to deceive the readership? Please answer my earlier questions:

Yes it does, because it shows that his research methods are intellectually dishonest and therefore cannot be trusted. How else would *you* interpret the fact that he references a Dr Konrad, without letting the reader know that no such person exists? How would you account for his other personae, also referenced without letting the reader know the truth?

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #129 on: July 14, 2008, 02:12:17 PM »
BTW, you mentioned that your first language is Dutch, Illusion. Does that mean that you live in the Netherlands or in Belgium? I would assume that since both countries got their share of the Nazis during WWII, your approach would be a little different. How did you stumble into this?
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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #130 on: July 14, 2008, 02:36:49 PM »
I knew you'd try to use this one. The 15,000,000 population estimates from before and after the war (1939 and 1948 estimates, respectively) comprise a common--and deliberate, I presume--misunderstanding from you and your fellow neo-nazis. Here's an explanation from

Let's just assume this is true... Please give an explanation where the 6,000,000 figure comes from and how exactly it is calculated. Please explain why the number was not reduced when the official number of dead in Auschwitz was dropped from 4,000,000 to 1,500,000 or less (I have a 1978 Dutch publication on the topic that still mentions the 4,000,000 figure, so it wasn't just a Sovjet claim that was ignored immediately after the war as some sources suggest).

Also check out Holocaust Victims: A Statistical Analysis -- W. Benz and W. N. Sanning - A Comparison discusses Auschwitz in some detail. And gives this estimate of the total:

Killed by the European Axis Powers.

    * Jews
          o At least 5.1 million according to Hilberg 1
          o At least 5.75 million according to Gilbert. 2
          o Reitlinger estimates 4,194,200 to 4,581,200. He also quotes the Anglo-American Commitees figures from April, 1946 of 5,721,800. He qualifies his own estimates with the note, "Owing to the lack of reliable information at the time of writing, these figures must be regarded as conjectural." 3
    * Poles
          o Approximately 5,384,000 about 50% of whom were Jews according to Lukas. 4
    * Soviet citizens.
          o 7 million civilians died in the war according to Gilbert. 5
                + At the siege of Leningrad approximately 1 million (source needed!)
          o 3.3 million POW's according to Streit. 6
    * Romani and Sinti
          o 250,000-1,000,000 according to sources cited by Hancock 7
    * Disabled
          o Over 200,000 were killed in the official euthanasia campaign, 1939-41. There is no way to know how many were killed outside the campaign. "No reliable figures exist for the spontaneous killings." 8
    * British and American POW's
          o 8,348 according to Streit. 6
    * Homosexuals
          o 3,000-9,000 German homosexuals according to Whitman. 9
          o 5,000-15,000 according to Lautmann 10
    * Jehovah's Witnesses.

(The numbers at the end are footnote links; please see the web page for details.)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #131 on: July 14, 2008, 03:31:03 PM »
BTW, you mentioned that your first language is Dutch, Illusion. Does that mean that you live in the Netherlands or in Belgium? I would assume that since both countries got their share of the Nazis during WWII, your approach would be a little different. How did you stumble into this?

I'm Belgian.

How did I stumble into this? Well, if you really want to know.... When I was a child, my grandmother told me about the war. She told me that her parents were forced to house consecutively Belgian, German and English soldiers as she lived close to the Dutch border. She described how the Belgian soldiers were nice young men she flirted with (she was 18 in '39). She described how the German soldiers treated her like a sister. And she described how the English soldiers scared her. I was shocked to hear how this contradicted the stereotypical description of evil Germans and benign English so I started digging. I started digging deep and I discovered that much of what we are taught about that era is based on lies and distortions.

Please note that my grandmother has never been interested in politics and she was definitely not a collaborator with the German. She was just one of those many ordinary citizens who didn't care for the war and wanted to live in peace and prosperity.

Anyway, I'm not in the mood for this right now. As long as you don't address the other arguments I've brought forward in previous posts, I don't see the point in continuing this discussion.

Offline odeon

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #132 on: July 14, 2008, 04:16:11 PM »
You're not in the mood?

Look, not every German was evil, and not every Allied soldier was good. It wasn't a Hollywood film and your nan encountered *people*, not Hollywood villains. What matters more now is that one side committed genocide but the other did not. The evidence for what took place is vast, bloody incomprehensible, yet you and your ilk continue to deny it, nitpicking on details and ignoring proof that doesn't suit you while the truth is screaming in your ears, and now you're not in the mood?!? Millions of innocent people were murdered, you piss on their graves, and now you're not in a fucking mood to discuss it?

That's rich.

Just two more questions, then, my little Nazi friend: Are you rich and do you have some spare time on your hands? I'm sure you know that you are breaking the laws of your country. The Belgian Holocaust denial law has been in effect since 1995, the European Court of Human Rights laughed your fellow nutters right out of the courtroom, and one of your soul mates served time *and* paid a fine for the same stupidities you now voice.

See, you may think this is a game, an intellectual exercise or an abstract academic matter, but it's really not. I do mean it when I say that the world should never be allowed to forget.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline odeon

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #133 on: July 14, 2008, 04:23:40 PM »
And I should really stop feeding you altogether. It's just that the Holocaust should never be ignored because the world should never be allowed to forget.

I fully agree, however it is important we get our facts straight first...

You should, yes.

I've got my facts straight.

Are you Jewish? Because if you are, that would explain your irrational approach ;)

The truth is never irrational.

The truth isn't. Your behavior is.

I notice you didn't answer my question. I guess that means my suspicion is correct.

My personal beliefs are irrelevant. What matters is that people like you must not be allowed to spread their lies without being confronted.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #134 on: July 15, 2008, 05:10:56 AM »
You're not in the mood?

I had a bad day yesterday. Besides that, I don't like to continue discussing a topic with someone who ignores the majority of my arguments as I already mentioned.

Look, not every German was evil, and not every Allied soldier was good. It wasn't a Hollywood film and your nan encountered *people*, not Hollywood villains.

Obviously. Back then I was just a child (I guess I was about 10 yo) and at that age you tend to think in a less nuanced way.

Nevertheless, my grandmother's story created cognitive dissonance in my understanding of WW2. It wasn't just the fact that she described the Germans as decent people that shocked me but it was especially her description of the English as scary. Somehow I couldn't grasp how a "benign democratic nation" like the UK could produce scary people and an "evil tyrannical regime" like Germany could produce nice and gentle people. One would expect things to be the other way around.

For many years I pretty much ignored the cognitive dissonance created by that conversation. Meanwhile, there was increasing cognitive dissonance at the religious side of my views as I was a catholic who frequently discussed religion with his village priest and ever answer of his lead to more questions. ith regards to liberal politics and multi-culturalism, there was a similar increase of cognitive dissonance. As a consequence, at the age of 17 I decided that there was just too much coginitive dissonance resulting from the worldviews I had then accepted as self-evident and I decided to no longer accept ANYTHING as self-evident and critically analyse EVERYTHING I am told to believe.

While I was building up an entirely new worldview from scratch, the words of my grandmother came to mind and I became very curious about the Third Reich. Many other inconsistencies within the official story of WW2 had caught my attention in the meantime and I wanted to find out what had truely happened during that horrible war. I learnt there was an alternative explanation of the events that took place called "Holocaust revisionism" and found that this alternative explanation was far more consistent and far more in line with the evidence.

Meanwhile I had become an anarchist, but my anarchist views also started to build up a certain amount of cognitive dissonance. After realising that the Germans were actually the good guys during WW2 I decided to analyse national-socialist ideology and came to the comclusion that it was far more consistent and logical than the anarchist views I held before. So that's how I moved towards conservative revolutionary views. I would currently describe my political views as a mixture of Spenglerian conservatism, national-socialism, national-anarchism and the Nouveau Droite.

What matters more now is that one side committed genocide but the other did not. The evidence for what took place is vast, bloody incomprehensible, yet you and your ilk continue to deny it, nitpicking on details and ignoring proof that doesn't suit you while the truth is screaming in your ears, and now you're not in the mood?!?

The evidence for the events that took place during WW2 is indeed vast but the issue is far from incomprehensible. It is incompresensible to you because the evidence does not correspond to your views and leads to cognitive dissonance, as it did with me before I learnt about Holocaust Revisionism. Holocaust Revisionism provides a far more consistent and logical explanation for the facts. So what matters, is that the Germans did NOT commit genocide and that they actually were the good guys during WW2 (as much as it is possible to be a good guy in wartime).

I'm not the one ignoring proof, by the way. You ignored the vast majority of my arguments and now you expect me to address the few counterarguments that you could give. Why should I care to waste time on providing arguments when you're not even willing to address most of them?

Just two more questions, then, my little Nazi friend: Are you rich and do you have some spare time on your hands? I'm sure you know that you are breaking the laws of your country. The Belgian Holocaust denial law has been in effect since 1995, the European Court of Human Rights laughed your fellow nutters right out of the courtroom, and one of your soul mates served time *and* paid a fine for the same stupidities you now voice.

I'm the kind of idealist who isn't afraid to take risks for doing what he believes. In fact, I would feel like a coward if I didn't speak out.

Let me ask you a question : if it is so evident that there truely was a genocide, then why fight Holocaust Revisionism with laws rather than debate? Why must Holocaust revisionists be defamed and their arguments distorted by their critics? Why is the fate of the Jews during WW2 the ONLY historical event for which special censorship laws are created?

See, you may think this is a game, an intellectual exercise or an abstract academic matter, but it's really not. I do mean it when I say that the world should never be allowed to forget.

I also do mean it when I say that the world should not forget what really happened. I also mean it, however, when I say that the world doesn't know what truely happened and is being lied to by their governments, some of whom use special censorship laws to hide the truth from becoming mainstream.

I notice you didn't answer my question. I guess that means my suspicion is correct.

My personal beliefs are irrelevant.

I wasn't referring to your beliefs but to your ethnic background.

Most ancient aliens are secular, yet many of them consider themselves as Jewish as a Chassidic Jew. Even communist and liberal Jews have historically had a strong connection to Jewish culture and tradition, even though this conflicted with their cosmopolitan ideals. As such, being Jewish is more of an ethnic issue than a religious issue. This is also reflected by the laws of Israel, where Jewish ethicity is of greater importance than Jewish religion.

Those unwilling to look at the evidence with regards to the Holocaust myth while calling it "incomprehensible" and stressing how "the world should never be allowed to forget" are most often Jews because the events that took place had a large impact on their people and the Holocaust myth has been cultivated among Jewish circles almost as a secular religion. As such, the issue is loaded with emotions which blocks rational analysis of the facts. Thus, your behavior makes me suspect a Jewish background, which is further confirmed by your unwillingness to answer my question.

For a more in depth analysis on Judaism as an evolutionary group strategy, the Jewish identity of secular Jews and the cultivation of the Holocaust as a secular religion, I'd like to refer to the works of eg. Israel Shahak, Norman Finkelstein and Kevin MacDonald (all three are succesful academics and two of them are Jewish - Shahak even teaches in Israel).

Please note that I'm not an antisemite and I would not regard you as inferior or evil if my suspicions about your Jewish background turned out to be true. Nevertheless, I do see a conflict between Jewish and gentile culture and this conflict is (as wonderfully described by Shahak and MacDonald) the main cause of antisemitism. Basically, Jewish culture persists on attacking gentile culture which it considers as a threat and gentile culture consequently develops antisemitism as a defense mechanism.

What matters is that people like you must not be allowed to spread their lies without being confronted.

I am not spreading lies but spreading truth. Nevertheless, I agree with the statement that all sides should be heard so people can make up their own mind objectively.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 05:23:05 AM by IlluSionS667 »