You haven't actually provided any sort of argument yourself. You have merely mentioned a few names, the ones you refer to as the "academics", and provided us with a few links from these people.
Whenever I give people an argument, they ask for more arguments. When I give them more arguments, they ask for even more. People tend to have the wrong impression that the burden of proof is always on the side of those opposing the mainstream views and are never satisfied with the arguments you give them. That's why I more and more tend to refer to adacemic sources rather than spend an hour compiling a set of arguments that are ignored anyway. If you genuinely want to know more about a topic, what stops you from spending a mere $30 on a book? Why must I waste my time on people too lazy to do their own research and too narrowminded to think outside of the box?
If you're not willing to do any reading for yourself, I don't see the point of discussing this with you.
Oh, and you've already said that the Jews are to blame for having been persecuted throughout history. A nice, balance, logical argument.
This too has been proven beyond reasonable doubt. Even regardless, it makes no sense for any people to have been persecuted by so many other peoples throughout history without any provocation from the side of that people itself.
I did offer a couple of links in return, and also pointed out how one of your so-called academics is somewhat liberal with research standards, methods that real academics wouldn't even dream of.
I must have missed that link. Who are you referring to and what methods are you talking about? Could you repost that link?
By the way, being liberal with research standards is what defines the Boasian school of anthropology and the Holocaust Industry... and not surprisingly, the greatest frauds are often Jews.
You are a kook, just as nutty as they come.
I'm a cook because I'm not allowing myself to be indoctrinated by liberal propaganda?!?

Have you been censored?
Not on this website, but you seemed to express doubt on whether or not you were going to censor me.
Or do you think the above means that people won't be calling you a kook or a nutcase? Sorry, you lose. Freedom of expression also means that I won't have to be afraid of getting censored by some mod when I say that you are both, and a closet nazi to boot.
I guess that allows me to refer to you are a narrowminded, self-righteous, arrogant and feebleminded twat, right?
As for the combative debate, so far you have merely quoted others. On occasion, you have also linked to them. Why should anyone do more in return?
I did't notice any quotes and links in the posts of my oponents.
Besides that, I've done my reading. I'm familiar with both the mainstream worldview and with various non-mainstream worldviews. Most people I encounter know little to nothing about non-mainstream worldview, except a few distortions and lies they learnt on TV.
Sure. All that data collected by the Nazis on deaths recorded @ concentration camps on IBM mechanical computers.
Exactly. We have all that data and much more, but no proof that any sort of extermination took place in those camps.
By the way, the US had camps for Japanese-Americans. I guess Roosevelt must have been exterminating Japanese-Americans, then

Prmitive human cultures and apes are the most obvious choice to focus on when determining the basics.
Like bonobos? Or do you have a problem with their particular derivation?
Considering their strange matriarchal social structure focussed on sex (which is quite distant from any human culture), I wouldn't say they're the best example, but they're nevertheless very interesting from an anthropological point of view as it can teach us a lot about eg. the differences between patriarchal and matriarchal societies or about the nature of sex as a social instrument.