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Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2008, 02:44:26 PM »
I left WP after getting disgruntled at the oversensitive mod faggotry going on there. I guess you were a victim of their faggotry, IlluSionS667. To be honest, nothing you said should be grounds for being banned at all, and if they didn't like it, well, a simple kind warning would have been appropriate at least.

Actually a lot of it is illegal in some countries. Notably Germany.

How is Germany's utter lack of freedom of speech relevant?

What you call oversentisity mod faggotry I would call super-NT behavior. IMO, a real Aspie is a Mr Spock (Star Trek), a Gregory House (House MD) or a Dharma Finklestein Montgomery (Dharma & Greg)..... and they sure as hell don't act like that  :green:

You do know that those are fictional characters, right? A *real* Aspie is more like someone here.

I myself am somewhat a peculiar mixture of Mr Spock (über-rational and calculated), Gregory House (brutally honest and sarcastic) and Dharma Finklestein Montgomery (genuinely sheerful and spontaneous) and the behavior of these fictional characters is what I mostly link to Asperger's. I can definitely say that I tend to appreciate people more the more they behave like either character.

Oh, and one more thing, Illusion: Have you discussed your delusions with any of the surviving Jews?

My "delusions" on the so-called Holocaust are all verifiable facts. I personally don't know any Jews who were born before '45, but I did discuss the era in particular with regular people living in occupied Belgium. I also discussed it with a Jewish girl from Chicago who lost a part of her family during that war. She's not like most Jews, though, as she has converted to Germanic paganism and considers herself German-Russian ethnically rarther than Jewish. On the cause of losing a part of her family during WW2, she's undeciced as she's in conflict between her emotions (telling her her family was murdered for being Jewish) and logics (telling her they probably died from another cause).

Also, I suspect your karma will start dropping sharply.

So be it. As a lefthanded, high-functioning Aspie with very unconventional views, I'm as unconventional as it gets and have been somewhat of an outcast or pariah for my entire life. It didn't stop me from building up a relationship that's lasted for about 5 years now, from building up a few valuable and solid friendship relations, from getting a well-paid job, from moving out of my parents' place or from being genuinely joyful. I've been through way too much to be bothered by losing "karma".
« Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 02:46:19 PM by IlluSionS667 »

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #31 on: July 08, 2008, 03:05:32 PM »
I left WP after getting disgruntled at the oversensitive mod faggotry going on there. I guess you were a victim of their faggotry, IlluSionS667. To be honest, nothing you said should be grounds for being banned at all, and if they didn't like it, well, a simple kind warning would have been appropriate at least.

Actually a lot of it is illegal in some countries. Notably Germany.

How is Germany's utter lack of freedom of speech relevant?

It's no less relevant than your #1 fan's, up there. It's also a verifiable fact.

What you call oversentisity mod faggotry I would call super-NT behavior. IMO, a real Aspie is a Mr Spock (Star Trek), a Gregory House (House MD) or a Dharma Finklestein Montgomery (Dharma & Greg)..... and they sure as hell don't act like that  :green:

You do know that those are fictional characters, right? A *real* Aspie is more like someone here.

I myself am somewhat a peculiar mixture of Mr Spock (über-rational and calculated), Gregory House (brutally honest and sarcastic) and Dharma Finklestein Montgomery (genuinely sheerful and spontaneous) and the behavior of these fictional characters is what I mostly link to Asperger's. I can definitely say that I tend to appreciate people more the more they behave like either character.

So you like the people around you to behave like fictional characters, instead of like real ones?

Well, I have to use a cane sometimes. Does that count?

Oh, and one more thing, Illusion: Have you discussed your delusions with any of the surviving Jews?

My "delusions" on the so-called Holocaust are all verifiable facts. I personally don't know any Jews who were born before '45, but I did discuss the era in particular with regular people living in occupied Belgium. I also discussed it with a Jewish girl from Chicago who lost a part of her family during that war. She's not like most Jews, though, as she has converted to Germanic paganism and considers herself German-Russian ethnically rarther than Jewish. On the cause of losing a part of her family during WW2, she's undeciced as she's in conflict between her emotions (telling her her family was murdered for being Jewish) and logics (telling her they probably died from another cause).

So all those people that provided first-hand accounts on how Jews were gassed to death, first in makeshift lorries and various temporary arrangements, and later in surprisingly well-designed gas chambers were wrong or lying, or "like most Jews" and therefore unreliable? The many witnesses, German, jewish and other, who testified the same thing later in Nurnberg and elsewhere were lying?

How the fuck do you think regular people in occupied Belgium would have known? Wartime news travelled slowly or not at all, sometimes, and what they did in the death camps was not part of the news.

So what's your theory? A ancient alien conspiracy?

Also, I suspect your karma will start dropping sharply.

So be it. As a lefthanded, high-functioning Aspie with very unconventional views, I'm as unconventional as it gets and have been somewhat of an outcast or pariah for my entire life. It didn't stop me from building up a relationship that's lasted for about 5 years now, from building up a few valuable and solid friendship relations, from getting a well-paid job, from moving out of my parents' place or from being genuinely joyful. I've been through way too much to be bothered by losing "karma".

"Unconventional" is to put it mildly. Oh well, get used to that number dropping.
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Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #32 on: July 08, 2008, 04:05:02 PM »
How is Germany's utter lack of freedom of speech relevant?

It's no less relevant than your #1 fan's, up there. It's also a verifiable fact.

My #1 fan's?

So you like the people around you to behave like fictional characters, instead of like real ones?

I just like the people around me to be brutally honest, rational and joyful  :green:

So all those people that provided first-hand accounts on how Jews were gassed to death, first in makeshift lorries and various temporary arrangements, and later in surprisingly well-designed gas chambers were wrong or lying, or "like most Jews" and therefore unreliable? The many witnesses, German, jewish and other, who testified the same thing later in Nurnberg and elsewhere were lying?

The number of witnesses actually contradicting Holocaust revisionism is quite small. You don't seem to realise that it's only a tiny minority of testimonies that contradict Holocaust revisionism and many of them have already been disproven by eg. inner inconsistencies of a relevant nature. There are various reasons why someone would lie in their particular situation.

How the fuck do you think regular people in occupied Belgium would have known?

They wouldn't have known what happened in the camps, but they could give a profile of the Germans they encountered and their view on Germany in general.

So what's your theory? A ancient alien conspiracy?

Basically, it's just wartime propaganda rehashed by the ancient aliens during the '60 and gone out of control since the '80s.

So "Unconventional" is to put it mildly.

Most of my views were quite mainstream in most cultures for most of the history of mankind. It's not I but post-modern society that's gone mad.


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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #33 on: July 08, 2008, 04:15:35 PM »
You should see what I can do.  Being in such a twisted family has its advantages :laugh:  Usually I am pretty sensitive, but fuck with me enough, and lets just say I had a thought about whiping my ass to send it to someone. :laugh:  You wouldn't haved survive if your not a wise person, at least, I am surprised this crew didn't get that along time ago. :laugh:
famous piligram John Alden is my direct descendent. physically fit!, wanna hit me yet?, warnning, you may have to acutually walk first! Persuasive creates his own luck has ability & drive to succeed   drink "Diet Dr. Maina" :) "62" orgasms at 1 time Fuck you faggot ass! not wishing Metabolic profile ( insulin metabolism etc) is almost perfect with no psychic meds, so go fuck yourself! semiautonomic controll over tear glands ambedexterous

Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #34 on: July 08, 2008, 05:00:08 PM »
I just like the people around me to be brutally honest, rational and joyful 

Good, I hope you don't get upset over someones honesty. Do you expect them to speak the truth when you ask for their opinions or thoughts or do you expect them to tell you in the open?

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #35 on: July 08, 2008, 07:08:35 PM »
Could you quote that post here, or has it already been deleted from WP?


It's still there :

Hi. I just joined this forum. I'm 26 years old, live in Europe and I'm a high-functioning Aspie.

As a high-functioning Aspie, I constructed my own worldview from scratch by mere logic alone, because I couldn't accept either the liberal or Christian viewpoints of the country I lived in and I couldn't find another worldview that suited me at the time. In the years to come, I graduately developed a complex worldview that's based on traditionalist and Conservative Revolutionary principles. As such, I have very non-conventional and politically incorrect ideas, which makes it impossible for me to freely express myself on most Internet forums without risking to get banned.

What I found shocking to learn on two other Aspie forums quite recently, is that people within Autism-spectrum aren't necessarilly more openminded and tolerant than NTs with regards to politically incorrect ideas. In fact, the overall behavior of most of the forum members was just as intolerant as that of the average NT whenever you address opinions that are politically incorrect. I've been called anything from racist, antisemite, idiot, narrowminded, neonazi, etc. just for expressing views that fall within the traditionalist and Conservative Revolutionary areas. Their prejudice about such viewpoints seems to close their minds entirely in a way pretty much identical to the way NTs shun things alien to them.

As such, I decided to post this thread with the following question : what is the attitude of the administration with regards to politically incorrect ideas and how many of its members would you regard as politically incorrect? I ask this, because I do not want to go through all that sh*t again of people calling me names all the time and I do not want to stop talking politically or socially relevant issues either. Whether I stay or not on this forum, will probably depend on the outcome of this thread.

I wish to make clear that I treat people with respect if they treat me with respect, regardless of their ethnicity, thier religion, their ideology, their sexual preference, etc. I may not agree with how and where you live or how you think, but I see that as no reason to treat you with disrespect. Respect is one of my primary values.

Having said all that, I like to give a list of some ideas that I adhere to, just so you get the idea :

* ) Every ethnic group has its strengths and weaknesses on mental, spiritual and physical levels. Just like two breeds of dogs may differ in speed, intelligence and character, so can two breeds of humans differ in speed, intelligence and character.
* ) My ideal politically is the world as a patchwork of nations based on both cultural and ethnic grounds that peacefully coexist and cooperate on a supranational scale only to maintain the economical stability and to guarantee the independence of every nation.
* ) I reject the concept of "representative democract" altogether and prefer a technocratic/meritocratic system instead.
* ) Homosexuality should be tolerated but not promoted. It remains a sexual deviance and one should not be given the impression that homosexuality is "normal".
* ) I regard animals as creatures worthy of the same respect as humans. I do not believe that humans have the right to treat animals like objects and act as they see fit. Various species are obviously self-aware and capable of simple forms of rational thought.
* ) Modern medicine goes way too far by eliminating natural selection altogether. By totally limiting natural selection, too many people will survive who wouldn't survive in a more primitive society. This can only lead to increased degeneration with the destruction of humanity as a species in the end.
* ) All moral values must come from nature and nature only. Animals living in groups and primitive human societies should be studied closely and analysed to determine the proper moral values humanity has lost. Any religion that is not based on the principles of nature (eg. Christianity) is bunk. Valuable religions (that are based on the principles of nature) are religions such as Asatru, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, ...
* ) We live in an age of corruption and decay, similar to the final days of the Roman empire. Those values loved so dearly by liberals are actually symptoms of corruption and will only help mankind degenerate faster.
* ) I reject all forms of exploitation of one man by another. As such, I'm strongly anti-capitalist and favor a solidarist/corporatist model instead. This also means that I'm oposed to any form of colonisation.
* ) I'm strongly oposed to both zionism and Judaism for they are dangerous supremacist belief systems. In fact, I dare to state that he antisemitism of national-socialist Germany was caused purely by the supremacist attitude of many German Jews, who had Germany in a stranglehold.
* ) I reject the official version of history with regards to WW2 and related events. I'm not convinced that national-socialist Germany was "evil" and the US was benign. I'm not convinced that Hitler wanted to kill all those Jews. Surely there were concentration camps and surely many people never came out of them alive, but the figures are distorted and so is the context. The camps in question were really work camps and people died as a consequence of starvation and disease due to allied bombings destroying German infrastructure. This is confirmed by Red Cross reports, that actually condemned the British for causing this humanitarian disaster.

Would you say this is accepted on Wrong Planet?

Again, I'd like to stress that I treat people with respect if they treat me with respect, regardless of their ethnicity, thier religion, their ideology, their sexual preference, etc. I may not agree with how and where you live or how you think, but I see that as no reason to treat you with disrespect as respect is one of my primary values.


Thank you for reposting this here, Illusions.

While I don't agree with many of your views, I can't see how expressing them should ever have gotten you banned from WP.

Of course Odeon was banned for comparing WP to a bad soap opera including an obligatory brain tumor and he should never have been banned for that either.

I have difficulty understanding how you can fail to believe that Auschwitz Birkenau was a death camp.

What about the testimony of the Auschwitz Birkenau camp commandant, Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höß (in English commonly Hoess or Höss), at the Nuremberg trials?

In June of 1941, according to Höss's later trial testimony, he was summoned to Berlin for a meeting with SS chief Heinrich Himmler "to receive personal orders." Himmler told Höss that Hitler had given the order to carry out the extermination of Europe's Jews. Himmler had selected Auschwitz, he said, "on account of its easy access by rail and also because the extensive site offered space for measures ensuring isolation." Himmler told Höss that he would be receiving all operational orders from Adolf Eichmann. Himmler described the project as a "secret Reich matter," meaning that "no one was allowed to speak about these matters with any person and that everyone promised upon his life to keep the utmost secrecy." Höss said he kept that secret until the end of 1942, when he told one person about the camp's purpose: his wife.[7]

After visiting the Treblinka concentration camp to study its methods of human extermination,[8] Höss tested and perfected the techniques of mass killing which would make Auschwitz the most efficiently murderous instrument of the Nazi Final Solution and the most potent symbol of the Holocaust. [9] According to Höss, during "normal" camp operations, two to three trains carrying 2,000 prisoners each would arrive daily for periods of four to six weeks. The prisoners were unloaded in the Birkenau camp; those fit for slave labor were marched to barracks in either Birkenau or one of the Auschwitz encampments; the rest were driven into gas chambers and murdered. At first, the killing facilities were located "deep in the woods," to avoid detection. Later, large gas chambers and crematoria were constructed in the Birkenau grounds to make the killing more efficient.[10]

Höss "improved" on the methods at Treblinka by building his gas chambers ten times larger, so that they could kill 2,000 people at once rather than 200. He commented,

"Still another improvement we made over Treblinka was that at Treblinka the victims almost always knew that they were to be exterminated and at Auschwitz we endeavored to fool the victims into thinking that they were to go through a delousing process. Of course, frequently they realized our true intentions and we sometimes had riots and difficulties due to that fact. Very frequently women would hide their children under the clothes but of course when we found them we would send the children in to be exterminated."[11]

Höss experimented with various methods of gassing. According to Adolf Eichmann's trial testimony in 1961, Höss told him that he used cotton filters soaked in sulfuric acid in early killings. Höss later introduced the poison gas Zyklon B, a crystallized form of prussic acid, into the killing process, after his deputy Karl Fritzsch tested it on a group of Russian prisoners in 1941. [12] With Zyklon B, he said that it took 3-15 minutes for the victims to die, and that "we knew when the people were dead because they stopped screaming."[13]

Höss later testified that Himmler himself visited the camp in 1942, and "watched in detail one processing from beginning to end." Eichmann, Höss said, visited the camp and observed its operations frequently.[14]

In his affidavit prepared for the Nuremberg trials in 1946, Höss asserted that local residents were well aware of the camp's purpose:

"We were required to carry out these exterminations in secrecy but of course the foul and nauseating stench from the continuous burning of bodies permeated the entire area and all of the people living in the surrounding communities knew that exterminations were going on at Auschwitz."[15]

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #36 on: July 08, 2008, 08:14:24 PM »
People get banned from WP for lame reasons. Like the time The Alex Man banned me because of two topics he didn't like and they were both in the Adult Asperger Issues. Gee why didn't he ban me long before? I had made diaper topics just to piss him off and he doesn't like anything that involves bodily functions. Then he decides to ban me one day. He even claimed one day he doesn't have a problem with people talking about fetishes but role playing on them isn't okay. But he decided to discriminate mine. Why not be more specific about talking about fetishes or he is just misleading his members. Congradulations to Alex, he made himself look like a hypocrite and a jerk.  :thumbdn:

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #37 on: July 08, 2008, 08:32:11 PM »
I left WP after getting disgruntled at the oversensitive mod faggotry going on there. I guess you were a victim of their faggotry, IlluSionS667. To be honest, nothing you said should be grounds for being banned at all, and if they didn't like it, well, a simple kind warning would have been appropriate at least.

Actually a lot of it is illegal in some countries. Notably Germany.

Well I was speaking on a perspective that's it's an message board based in America, and such remarks should be protected under the first amendment, regardless if it's non-mainstream views. Besides I find law enforced censorship of speech dangerous, as it can eventually grow to a point where anything that defies status quo, could be seen as illegal someday.
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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #38 on: July 09, 2008, 12:16:12 AM »
I think Odeon is being too hard on our new friend.

For example, IllusionS667 despises Judaism, not Jews as people.

I am against the continued occupation of Palestine and the suffering of their people caused by Israelis.
I'm not saying I also believe that the holocaust was not as gruesome as the history books and Hollywood tells us, as I haven't done any research to support this view. However, I don't think the invasion of Palestine would have occurred without the sympathy the Jewish people found post WW2.

It is important to have nutbags like IllusionS667 out there questioning the truth as it is presented to us.
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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #39 on: July 09, 2008, 12:18:59 AM »
Illusion wrote:
My "delusions" on the so-called Holocaust are all verifiable facts. I personally don't know any Jews who were born before '45, but I did discuss the era in particular with regular people living in occupied Belgium. I also discussed it with a Jewish girl from Chicago who lost a part of her family during that war. She's not like most Jews, though, as she has converted to Germanic paganism and considers herself German-Russian ethnically rarther than Jewish. On the cause of losing a part of her family during WW2, she's undeciced as she's in conflict between her emotions (telling her her family was murdered for being Jewish) and logics (telling her they probably died from another cause).

If you're not willing to name your sources then I can't take them seriously. And for God's sake don't mention David Irving or I'll have to hurt you verbally.
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Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2008, 03:45:29 AM »
Good, I hope you don't get upset over someones honesty. Do you expect them to speak the truth when you ask for their opinions or thoughts or do you expect them to tell you in the open?

It depends on the situation. For example, if I talk too much (I'm one of those Aspies) I like people to tell me that spontaneously rather than just allowing me to rattle on and annoy the hell out of them. That doesn't mean they need to give their opinion on everything without asking.

When I do ask them for their opinion on eg. a design I made, I like to know what they seriously think rather than them complimenting it regardless. It seriously disturbs me how little people just say what they think and feel. It makes communication too often unnecessarilly complex.

While I don't agree with many of your views, I can't see how expressing them should ever have gotten you banned from WP.

Neither can I, when I look at most of the responses I received.

I have difficulty understanding how you can fail to believe that Auschwitz Birkenau was a death camp.

What about the testimony of the Auschwitz Birkenau camp commandant, Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höß (in English commonly Hoess or Höss), at the Nuremberg trials?

Höß's death toll figures were inflated even in comparison with the standards of modern Holocaust history as they were intended to suit the Nuremberg charge of 4 million dead at Auschwitz. This means he lied about at least the death toll, making his entire testimony questionable. Various reports of Höß having been tortured at the Nuremberg trials further supports the claim he was not telling the truth.

Höß isn't the only "nazi" source that has been debunked. The same is true for eg. Gerstein. Add this to the fact that the vast majority of SS-men rejected the claims of genocide up until their death, the fact no orders for extermination have been found, no fully functional gas chamber has been found, phorensic evidence of the Bergen-Belsen victims pointing at starvation and typhus, admitted lies such as the Jewish soap and lamshade stories, the figures not adding up to 6,000,000 and dozens of other facts and you understand why the official account of what happened to the Jews simple doesn't survive objective research.

Well I was speaking on a perspective that's it's an message board based in America, and such remarks should be protected under the first amendment, regardless if it's non-mainstream views. Besides I find law enforced censorship of speech dangerous, as it can eventually grow to a point where anything that defies status quo, could be seen as illegal someday.

Exactly. In the so hated Third Reich, censorship followed more or less the same pattern and most intellectuals looked the other way. Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) wrote a famous poem about this :

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

For example, IllusionS667 despises Judaism, not Jews as people.

Indeed. I hav lots of respect for Jewish individuals like Noam Chomsky, Benjamin Friedman, Israel Shahak, David Cole or Norman Finkelstein who dare speaking out against the behavior of their fellow Jews. The Jews I do not respect are the supremacist scumbags who feel they have the right to treat gentiles like shit because they're supposebly "God's chosen people".

It is important to have nutbags like IllusionS667 out there questioning the truth as it is presented to us.

Someone who questions the truth as it is presented to us is a "nutbag"?

Illusion wrote:
My "delusions" on the so-called Holocaust are all verifiable facts. I personally don't know any Jews who were born before '45, but I did discuss the era in particular with regular people living in occupied Belgium. I also discussed it with a Jewish girl from Chicago who lost a part of her family during that war. She's not like most Jews, though, as she has converted to Germanic paganism and considers herself German-Russian ethnically rarther than Jewish. On the cause of losing a part of her family during WW2, she's undeciced as she's in conflict between her emotions (telling her her family was murdered for being Jewish) and logics (telling her they probably died from another cause).

If you're not willing to name your sources then I can't take them seriously. And for God's sake don't mention David Irving or I'll have to hurt you verbally.

I never said I'm not willing to name sources. No one asked for them thusfar.

Further, Irving is not taken seriously by anyone anymore these days. I often wonder if he isn't just a tool of the Holocaust Industry used to be the face of Holocaust Revisionism in the media and thereby ridicule and marginalise them.

More reliable sources are Germar Rudolf, Arthur R. Butz, J. G. Burg, Harry Elmer Barnes, David Cole, Jürgen Graf, Robert Faurisson, Paul Rassinier, Carlos Porter, Carlo Mattogno, David L. Hoggan and Udo Walendy to name just a few. In spite of defamation, threats, beatings, jail sentences and/or other calamities these people have risked to study and analyse the evidence objectively and came to unpopular conclusion that the Holocaust myth is nothing but a secular religion largely based on propaganda. The media succesfully suppresses their research by incorrectly labeling them as irrelevant antisemitic publications and various European nations have declared them illegal, but thusfar I haven't encountered a single publication that can succesfully debunk Holocaust revisionist publications. If the evidence so obviously contradicted Holocaust revisionism as official sources claim, then why use laws to censor Holocaust revisionism rather than debunking them? Why is the so-called Holocaust the only historical event that is approached by mainstream sources in such a dogmatic and irrational way?

I also recommend sources like Norman Finkelstein, Israel Shahak and Kevin MacDonald. All three are academics (two of them Jewish) teaching at respectable universities and published elaborately on the abuse by Jewish or ancient alien organistations. In one of his books, Finkelstein particularly focussed on the Holocaust Industry where he shows how the Holocaust myth is continuously used by Jewish or ancient alien organisations to extort money or to silence any sort of criticism on Israeli supremacism and brutallity. He also shows the obvious lies in particular testimonies, including the testimony of Holocaust icon Elie "Weasel" Wiesel, one of the most disgusting supremacist ancient aliens out there, who better than anyone else abuses the guilt and sympathy of gullible gentiles for the ancient alien cause.

Finally, I'd like to point out that there are probably far more people claiming to have experienced extra-terrestrial presence (eg. they claim to have been abducted) than the number of people claiming to have been inside a gas chamber of having seen people being carried out of one. The vast majority of testimonies on gas chambers is second or third hand. Of those that aren't, the majority have been disproven already. If you still wish to believe them in spite of all the contradicting hard evidence, would you then also believe those who claim to have experienced extra-terrestrial presence? If not, then why the double standard?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2008, 04:12:08 AM by IlluSionS667 »

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #41 on: July 09, 2008, 03:46:29 AM »
I think Odeon is being too hard on our new friend.

For example, IllusionS667 despises Judaism, not Jews as people.

I am against the continued occupation of Palestine and the suffering of their people caused by Israelis.
I'm not saying I also believe that the holocaust was not as gruesome as the history books and Hollywood tells us, as I haven't done any research to support this view. However, I don't think the invasion of Palestine would have occurred without the sympathy the Jewish people found post WW2.

Too hard on the newbie? Nah. Gentle banter I thought. He said some silly things and Odeon remind him that they were indeed very silly. THAt being said I am sure there are no hard feelings and we all are friends.

It is important to have nutbags like IllusionS667 out there questioning the truth as it is presented to us.

Absolutely! It is just another flavour of weird to round off the smorgasboard that is I2. I think it is great that he is brave enough to share such views and I say more power to him. At least he is not lurking or scared to post
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Mr Smith

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #42 on: July 09, 2008, 03:53:17 AM »
People get banned from WP for lame reasons. Like the time The Alex Man banned me because of two topics he didn't like and they were both in the Adult Asperger Issues. Gee why didn't he ban me long before? I had made diaper topics just to piss him off and he doesn't like anything that involves bodily functions. Then he decides to ban me one day. He even claimed one day he doesn't have a problem with people talking about fetishes but role playing on them isn't okay. But he decided to discriminate mine. Why not be more specific about talking about fetishes or he is just misleading his members. Congradulations to Alex, he made himself look like a hypocrite and a jerk.  :thumbdn:

Well to be honest, that was unfair. You shouldn't get banned for posting that in the adult section.

Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #43 on: July 09, 2008, 04:01:10 AM »
He said some silly things and Odeon remind him that they were indeed very silly. THAt being said I am sure there are no hard feelings and we all are friends.

I find it peculiar how easily people take the views on the world spread by media and politicians for granted when they are anything but obvious.

Calling my views silly without providing any arguments against them, is quite weak imo.  I respect you disagreeing with my views, but if you feel the need to call them silly it would be a matter of courtesy to provide rational arguments for why you think that way.

Still, I prefer my views being referred to as silly rather than being defamed and described as a monster, just for holding the views that I hold. It could definitely be much worse.

I think it is great that he is brave enough to share such views and I say more power to him. At least he is not lurking or scared to post

Some Aspies hide in a corner and have little to no confidence because of being bullied in high school. Others actually become so confident they're almost fearless and just are themselves no matter what others may think of them. I belong to that latter category, although in real life I try to adapt as much as necessary to keep my job, my friends and my relationship. I may not be scared, but I'm not a fool either.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Wrong Planet.
« Reply #44 on: July 09, 2008, 05:51:10 AM »
He said some silly things and Odeon remind him that they were indeed very silly. THAt being said I am sure there are no hard feelings and we all are friends.

I find it peculiar how easily people take the views on the world spread by media and politicians for granted when they are anything but obvious.

Calling my views silly without providing any arguments against them, is quite weak imo.  I respect you disagreeing with my views, but if you feel the need to call them silly it would be a matter of courtesy to provide rational arguments for why you think that way.

Still, I prefer my views being referred to as silly rather than being defamed and described as a monster, just for holding the views that I hold. It could definitely be much worse.

I think it is great that he is brave enough to share such views and I say more power to him. At least he is not lurking or scared to post

Some Aspies hide in a corner and have little to no confidence because of being bullied in high school. Others actually become so confident they're almost fearless and just are themselves no matter what others may think of them. I belong to that latter category, although in real life I try to adapt as much as necessary to keep my job, my friends and my relationship. I may not be scared, but I'm not a fool either.

In all honesty I am not inclined to do that for a few reasons.

1. You have been provided with plenty of "reasons" on AFF. That you would refute them is neither here nor there. It is just regurgitating old arguments for the sake of regurgitating old arguments.

2. I am not offended or concerned enough to waste the brainpower. I mean I am not Jewish nor do I find your view on the death camps revolting (weird sure) not revolting. The tolerance of gays? I have a few gay friends and see no reason why they ought to be in lower social standing. Then again I don't feel slightly personally, so.... Oh and the multicultural thing, well let's say I am German heritage back in 1400 with a healthy amount of English, Irish, Scottish and Aboriginal blood. So Multiculturalism and mingling of nationalities and race work fine for me. So I should care?

3. What is the end result in thrashing it out?

But as I say I think this place is far better for you than AFF.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap