I don't go to the one near me anymore -
http://www.traffordcentre.co.uk/They have HMV there, that's about the only shop I went in, and a couple games shops.
Most of it is shitty clothes shops though and the kind of borin ones my mum goes in like Marks and Spencers and Debenhams

They have a bit that doesn't have shops in it though, that has loads of cinemas and an arcade and bowling and McDonalds etc. They used to have a kids' ride there called Dreamyland lol, I went on that a few years ago with my friend from school. You have to ride round in this thing shooting these alien things. It was fun but they got rid of it

There's a Lazerquest there now though. Or there used to be. I've only been there twice though, they've probably got rid of that now as well
Anyway, I hate clothes shops and shite like that. What a load of bollocks
I want to go toi the cinema again though, I want some sweets