This morning, I walked into work, and before I could even make it to my office, my boss called to me and told me that he needed to speak with me. I walked in to his office and he shut the door. He told me that we had lost KB Homes as a client because we'd been underbid by another company... so they were going to have to let me go. I was laid off.

I'm so happy.
I cleaned out my office and went to my exit interview... when I walked out, I had a note on the car, Amy told me to come back and get her. She'd been fired as well!! That shit pissed me off. I mean, firing me is one thing... I can understand that, because honestly I was a fucking slacker there lately. She pwns at that job. Seriously though... they fired both of us... we're pretty screwed now. I don't really know what to do. I could go get unemployment... but, I hate the idea of that.
Oh well. Whatever. I'm updating my resume now and I'm gonna start the job search.