Author Topic: Scars with Stories  (Read 798 times)

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Scars with Stories
« on: January 02, 2008, 12:40:54 AM »
Got any scars with interesting stories? Seems to be a common discussion in a few threads that scars are interesting, and they tell stories... So lets share some :D

Here's mine

Can you see it? Just below the eye, right on the cheek bone.

I had this huge argument with my Mum, the content of which I totally forget. She was preparing dinner whilst I was setting the table. My Mum was getting so frustrated with me that she threw the jug she had at the table with such a force that it bounced up into my face. I was shocked, physically and mentally, I did the first thing that came to my mind; I threw my handful of forks at her and retreated to my room.
Once there I inspected my face and saw blood on my hands, I immediately assumed that the jug hit my eye and I was blind! In a panic I was. My Mum and my sisters came to room to check on me to make sure the damage wasn't too severe, I screamed at them to get out, but eventually I relented and let my Mum look at my face, the jug had split the skin on my cheek bone just below my eye. She knew I'd have to have stitches, but was feeling so guilty that she took me to a different doctor to get it done.

I had to have three local anesthetic needles around the site, one of them perilously close to my eye socket. I'm not a big fan of needles, those three plus the three I'd gotten on another occasion for an ingrown toe-nail (into my toe knuckle) was both at once the most painful and painless (work that one out!) needles I've ever had.

My Mum still feeling guilty days later got my father to remove the stitches, instead of returning to the clinic to have them removed professionally. It's one of very few scars I have. And even fewer that I know the story behind.

Kudos to renaeden for getting the lighting right.

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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2008, 07:30:01 AM »
No pics. All faded.

The first, two marks. No idea when or where their
from. Looks like a tiny snake bite. Used to be bright
red (in my teens), but has faded. On my finger.

Next, what appears to be the tip of a pencil,
embedded in my thigh. Again, I don't remember.

Left middle finger, inch long knife wound.
15 yrs ago, or so. Was trying to tame this
bitch formed by lightning, and she bit. Hard.

Base of neck, upper left. A couple of razor scars.
Cuts. Another bitch, this time, my PE. She wanted
to feed.


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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2008, 08:07:17 AM »
I have 20+ stitches on my knee. I fractured my tibia-fibia and have a pin in it.
Also a couple of stitches on my head, for smashing it into a post when i was at school.


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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2008, 08:16:06 AM »
I have shitloads on my knees and shins from being a teenage skater, and I have a couple of chickenpox scars on my forehead. There is a white scar running halfway around one of my fingertips, I sliced a chunk out of it with a pair of clumsily handled scissors when I was 18 and jammed the flap back down and taped it tight it the hope it would reknit. Oh and scars on the bridge of my nose from repeatedly breaking the fucking thing.  :laugh:

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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2008, 08:48:49 AM »
Oh and scars on the bridge of my nose from repeatedly breaking the fucking thing.  :laugh:

WTF do you do, to break it so often?
I've only had mine done once.

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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2008, 08:49:12 AM »
Small scar on the index finger knuckle on my left hand from punching someone in the mouth in 6th grade.   That kid picked on me and just about everyone else who was smaller than him or a bit nerdy.   His damn tooth got me pretty good.   I am right handed btw and that is what immediately followed up that left.   About 4 other kids he picked on spit on him after I knocked him down.   It was a great moment for me lol.  I had been sucker punched by the same kid a week earlier (he did the same to my friend Doug as well).

Small circular scar on my right leg from being shot with a BB gun.   Me and my friend each shot eachother at close range with his BB gun to see how much it hurt.   I got him on the thigh, his hit me right above the ankle.

You can barely see a small scar on my right foot from me stepping on a nail when I was 7 years old.   Thats what I got for screwing around with houses that are being built.   I was wearing sandals that day of course.   Thankfully I was up to date on my tetanus shots.
:P   Internets are super serious.


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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2008, 11:38:14 AM »
Oh and scars on the bridge of my nose from repeatedly breaking the fucking thing.  :laugh:

WTF do you do, to break it so often?
I've only had mine done once.

i was a clumsy child, enthusiastic if not very coordinated.  :laugh:

the last confirmed break was when I was 16, I got jumped in the bus station by a couple of pissed up idiots. nowadays i tend to bash the top of my head instead of my nose, so my hair covers all sins.  :laugh:

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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2008, 02:06:00 PM »
I've had this since three or four it has faded a lot since then but is still is an inch across triangle.  One of my older brothers who was 11 years older than me shut me out on the sun porch it had French doors to the living room he was holding it shut laughing I smacked at the door but hit the glass putting my arm though it.  He put a band aid on told me not to tell mom or let her see she found out two days later to late for stitches.  On a little kid this was a big cut.

I have lots but this is the oldest biggest visible one. Lots on my hands from work
Had a big one on my forehead from getting hit with the end of a pipe when I was five bad enough the called me Frankenstein for years but unless you look hard it's difficult to see. 
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2008, 02:27:52 PM »
Its faded a bit now, maybe visible ..

fell off my BMX, landed on the curb with my knee.

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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2008, 03:02:17 PM »
No pictures, but:

I have a Caesarean section scar on my lower abdomen as well as a small scar in my belly button and a few other small scars from laparascopic surgeries.

I have a small scar from burning my left calf on a motorcycle exhaust pipe.

I have another burn scar under my left arm where I pulled some boiling water onto myself when I was little.

I have a scar on my lower lip where I fell onto a marble topped coffee table when I was little.

I have a scar on the back of my head where I ran into a corner of a wall when I was little.  It needed a clamp to hold it together.  My hair covers it, though.

I have a couple of chicken pox scars.

I have a small blue scar between my lower lip and my chin where a girl jabbed me with a pencil in middle school.

I have a scar on my index finger where I cut my finger with an axe while I was trying to split firewood.  It's a bad idea to hold the firewood with one hand while you are swinging an axe with the other hand.   :laugh:

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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2008, 03:26:13 PM »

I have a small scar from burning my left calf on a motorcycle exhaust pipe.

Which Hell's Angels chapter do you belong to?

I KNEW it.

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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2008, 03:47:24 PM »
I was an absurdly accident-free child. I've never even sprained anything.

I made up for it when I got older though and have a bunch of scars on my chest, back, arms, and legs from bad bouts with eczema. They fade fairly fast, though. I've had various knife scars that have faded now too, much to my disappointment.
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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2008, 05:00:33 PM »
i have bunches on my arms and i had two scars on my forehead, one from getting hit by a bike and one falling down in a storage. they might have faded. i had one long one from my thigh to my calf from when i flomped a pot of coffee on me as a baby. i once fell on my chin when i stood up in the stroller. there\s no scar but my chin feels hollow. :P
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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2008, 05:23:48 PM »
My balls feel that way.  :-\

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Re: Scars with Stories
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2008, 05:29:43 PM »
I was always getting hurt many times without saying anything much to my others chagrin by the time she saw it it was too late for doctors.
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
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