Got any scars with interesting stories? Seems to be a common discussion in a few threads that scars are interesting, and they tell stories... So lets share some

Here's mine

Can you see it? Just below the eye, right on the cheek bone.
I had this
huge argument with my Mum, the content of which I totally forget. She was preparing dinner whilst I was setting the table. My Mum was getting so frustrated with me that she threw the jug she had at the table with such a force that it bounced up into my face. I was shocked, physically and mentally, I did the first thing that came to my mind; I threw my handful of forks at her and retreated to my room.
Once there I inspected my face and saw blood on my hands, I immediately assumed that the jug hit my eye and I was blind! In a panic I was. My Mum and my sisters came to room to check on me to make sure the damage wasn't too severe, I screamed at them to get out, but eventually I relented and let my Mum look at my face, the jug had split the skin on my cheek bone just below my eye. She knew I'd have to have stitches, but was feeling so guilty that she took me to a different doctor to get it done.
I had to have three local anesthetic needles around the site, one of them perilously close to my eye socket. I'm not a big fan of needles, those three plus the three I'd gotten on another occasion for an ingrown toe-nail (into my toe knuckle) was both at once the most painful and painless (work that one out!) needles I've ever had.
My Mum still feeling guilty days later got my father to remove the stitches, instead of returning to the clinic to have them removed professionally. It's one of very few scars I have. And even fewer that I know the story behind.

Kudos to renaeden for getting the lighting right.