When you say certain things, I know you are running out of ideas.
Actually, it means I'm getting tired of talking to you. Everything we say to you pretty much goes in one ear and out the other. You're in denial about your mental condition. People who are psychotic tend to think they are the ones who understand what's going on and everyone else is wrong. Many people on this site have tried to get through to you, but nothing seems to sink in because you are in denial.
I think I will just stop ripping on Carla, ok? I understand when people have issues I am not trying to patronize, just was thinking about it
That would be very nice if you would do that, Randy.
Carla is a really good person, but she does not want any more advice, OK?
Thanks, Callaway.
Randy, listen to her please. I don't want any advice from you.
I am sorry, no offense, but you are very annoying. I am sick of your fuckn accusing me of stuff, for what appears to be selfish bitch reasons. Leave me the fuck alone! If you want to talk about other things fine, I will be nice. Please kindly fuck off and don't respond to my posts unless its about other stuff, you don't know what you are fuckn talking about.
Did Dunc tell you? You have fuckn issues, I don't really want you, you just happen to be not that bad looking woman who is right is on the internet posting with me. Your fuckn getting drunk in the background and accusing me of things that your mind makes up. You are not fuckn nice about it either.