Carla, hope your paying attention, I am Mr. 5.4% body fat, I know what I am doing. I used bioimpedial analaysis, .1%error. Just remember, if its not natural, every bite you take, leads to a step away from the best mood. The idea is to devolpe a health addiction, where you don't crave junkfood because your system is out of balance. I would take some of your body fat for you, but can't, sorry. I find its very hard to gain any weight, eating wheat or not. I never really get sick eating wheat, or my have mineral imbalances, just makes me grouchy and get mouth sores. Dr. Kinsley doesn't see any change in my immune system when I eat it either, strangest thing, my body. I wish you luck deary, even though you may or may not be on the best of terms with me. I wish all who are not on the best path good luck. Just remember there is always room for improvement.