Author Topic: Some women have issues with other women being naked  (Read 9906 times)

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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2007, 03:49:31 PM »
They wouldn't let you get away with that I tried the coach used to check you off when he saw you where all wet.  I look back know and think he had other reasons than school policy he was a real ass on top on it all.  The whole thing was kinda traumatizing and humiliating don't think if would happen today   

be glad a big scary clown didn't try to eat you when you were taking a shower alone at school after everyone had left. :P

I used to have a fear of being in the bathroom when the water finished going down the drain
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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2007, 03:53:07 PM »
it should be a crime to force people be naked.
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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2007, 03:57:55 PM »
I'd always considered myself to be a naked person, not uptight about taking my clothes off.  But when I actually went to a nude beach in Europe, I realized I had more inhibitions than I thought!   :laugh:  My friends, male and female, were slinging off clothes left and right, and I was literally laughing my ass off at them - it just seemed so bizarre to me all of a sudden!  I had to go inside to the restroom and change into my bathing suit, and they thought I was such a nerd.  I just couldn't do it, though.   ::)

See, I was so damned squeamish before,
but now, being nude doesn't bother me.
I did some hot springs, and had no real
problem at all. On the other hand, I still
don't like using the restroom, if others
are in it.

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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2007, 07:03:30 PM »
Question, Spokane Girl...  Is this locker room visible from the hallway (or outside, next room, etc.) when the door is open?

As for the PE showers crap... The schools I went to had showers in the locker rooms but nobody ever used them.  (In a row along tiled walls with no partitions.)  Thank god they never forced that on me.  It was bad enough as it was, having to change clothes around all the other kids, considering PE is the class where everyone acts like assholes.

Ring of showerheads?  Are you fucking serious?  That means everyone has to face each other.  That's just asking for trouble.

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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2007, 07:10:08 PM »
Ring of showerheads?  Are you fucking serious?  That means everyone has to face each other.  That's just asking for trouble.

Yes they where on a pylon type thing there were two of them with about ten shower heads each separated by a four foot wall.  I hated PE to begin with this just made it worse I even failed it one semester and got D's two others for basicly failing to comply with the rules  and refusing to either change or take a shower
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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2007, 07:12:09 PM »
i wish i'd refused

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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2007, 07:26:45 PM »
I don't get why they don't either ban PE or make it optional.  It accomplishes nothing.  I seriously doubt it's going to save some kid from obesity in adulthood.  It's a class that puts you in proximity to just any punk or thug in the school, any of whom might assault you just for fun.  The locker room usually reeks with the odor of sweat and other bodily fluids as everyone undresses to change back into their regular clothes.  They're all hyped up on endorphines and testosterone from the physical activity, and more likely to fuck with you.  And all of this bullshit under the supervision of a coach who is likely an alcoholic with an IQ of about 70.  (My last coach literally came to work drunk and stashed whiskey bottles above the ceiling tiles.  I wish I was joking about that.)


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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2007, 07:37:48 PM »
It should be optional. By the time you're in high school you're more than capable of deciding for yourself whether or not you want to take part in shite like that.

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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #23 on: December 20, 2007, 07:39:50 PM »
In Florida you have it every day till your second year of high school where it becomes optional.  I was one of my coaches favorites to pick on, think Vincent D'Onofrio's character in Full Metal Jacket ,  and had nowhere to turn when the other kids fucked with me I hated it I still hate sports because of it even watching them bothers me
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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2007, 07:43:22 PM »
That sucks. My PE teachers didn't like me either, but they didn't do anything bad. Once I was the only person who didn't get an A. Everyone else, even the other people who were shit, got an A. I was the only one who didn't lol.

Every day is ridiculous. I had it twice a week. One double lesson and one single. The single lessons were only 35 minutes though which, taking into account the time you need for getting changed before and after, is pretty pointless really.

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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2007, 07:50:33 PM »
"PE Coach" is probably a favorite career choice of pedophiles.  Think about it.

For example:


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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2007, 08:15:57 PM »
Fucking sick bastard.

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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #27 on: December 21, 2007, 01:29:19 AM »
I only dislike naked women when their in pop ups all over my computer screen.  :-\
Other that I really don't care if their naked or not. There just naked and nudity is a part of life.

Offline SovaNu

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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #28 on: December 21, 2007, 01:32:38 AM »
Ring of showerheads?  Are you fucking serious?  That means everyone has to face each other.  That's just asking for trouble.

Yes they where on a pylon type thing there were two of them with about ten shower heads each separated by a four foot wall.  I hated PE to begin with this just made it worse I even failed it one semester and got D's two others for basicly failing to comply with the rules  and refusing to either change or take a shower

it's not failing to comply when you refuse. >:( what fucking teachers use such language?
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Re: Some women have issues with other women being naked
« Reply #29 on: December 21, 2007, 02:54:14 AM »
Yes the locker room is visible from the hallway but you had to be down there to see it because you had to turn to go in. But I wasn't standing naked in the bathroom, not in front of the lockers where anyone could see me from the hall.

(end of reply)

At my high school, you didn't have to shower, you could give yourself a sponge bath and be done. Our showers also had curtains but the boys didn't. Back in Washington at the Junior High I would have gone too, you had to shower and there are no curtains. That freaked me out when I was 12 when all the sixth graders were being told about our new school we all be going to because it was about the end of the school year and we were all going to leave elementary school. They told us there be no recess, we be switching classes for each subject, etc and all of it made me nervous and scared because it was all changes, plus I had issues with being seen naked by other girls growing up because of puberty.

In high school I had issues with PE because I didn't want to change in front of the other girls because I was still embarrassed about my body. So the school was going to let me change into my PE clothes in the bathroom and back into my regular clothes. But on the first day of PE, I saw all the girls had pubic hair so I wasn't embarrassed anymore. Plus they are all too busy changing and minding their own business, they don't all go looking at each other and I was paranoid for nothing. So I changed in front of everyone too. I never showered though.
In Montana you have to have it up till 10th grade and then after that, it's optional. I never took it as an elective because I hated PE. It was fun when I was in elementary school but as I got older it got boring because it's all sports now.

Reason why PE is required is because exercise is very important. All children need it. It helps your body so that's why all schools have it. I discovered even some elementary schools have locker rooms and kids shower after PE. At my elementary school there was no locker rooms and showers. The elementary school in town where my parents live have a locker room.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 01:26:41 PM by Spokane Girl »