What prompted the self-title of "*- an inconsistent hypocritical lecturer -*"?
My opinions sometimes contradict each other, so I'm inconsistent, and hypocritical? And I type and use words like a lecturer?
Just wondering if someone had called you an inconsistent hypocritcal lecturer recently.
Not by one person no.
I've been called a hypocrite numerous times by numerous people, I've come to accept that no one can keep everything they've said straight and completely consistent, but people here seem to take umbrage at hypocrites, so best announce it so they too can accept that flaw, at least in me.
Inconsistent simply comes in because sometimes I'm not hypocritical

And renaeden commented on the way I wrote, saying it wasn't like how I spoke, that it was....and I finished with 'like a lecturer?' with a smile, and she replied with a yes.

Given the attitudes of some of the members of this site, I think it best I have that disclaimer.