Nice to see you about 
Thanks...But that's not a question! 
Are you cleaning up after yourself now?
Huh? I don't understand.
I think you should get into kilts. Solves all your problems from all bases perhaps.
(I don't claim my advice acually helps people, online play may change gaming experience).
Disclaimer aside, I'm not a transvestite 
Either are most men that wear kilts.
But hang on, I know I'm not fully knowledgeable about all things gender issue/confused, but can one be a woman trapped in a mans body and be happy to be there? Or would that be a man trapped in a woman trapped in a mans body? Now I'm confused.
I guess the real question should be, are you comfortable enough to discuss this in your ask away thread?
Not entirely comfortable, given past incidents...and a recent PM on WP, no.
But I'll clear up some terms:
Transvestite is someone who enjoys/feels better wearing the clothing of the opposite gender
Transsexual is someone who feels better in the opposite gender (ie: social role, body, clothing etc)
Transgender is an umbrella term that covers alot of cross gendered behaviour/people
Genderqueer is another umbrella term that is slightly outside transgender.
I don't like the term transsexual, personally.