who's to fucking say i dont have dyslexia or w/e? not like you get to edit internet posts like you do manuscripts or anthing............
i may have gone to magnet school with my 165 IQ and currently be enrolled in a neuroscience PhD program... but did you know it's my writing skillz ONLY that got me in? 5.5/6 points on GREs. hell, even with that and good verbal score they actaully want me to retake my GREs to raise my math... cause im a tard most likely with NLVD and my score in that section didnt even make the school minimum. do you know how much of a dumbass i am in IRL? that i show up to this place and they ask, oh why the hell did you switch from marine bio to neuroscience? oh... you dont have AS, you're too normal!... couple weeks later they all want me in their fucking MRI machines for 5 diff experiments.
my flippin writing hasnt been that friggin bad so stfu... it's the internet. and it's not like ive been talking about nothin too lofty, either. and i post here ALL THE TIME because i have so much time on my hands. i dont make that many extensive posts cause i physically cant and so quick nit pickin.
i must be giving you a complex or something... and for that, im sorry. i'm not some stuck op snob who's stooping down to some level to post with non-perfect grammar (that is still better than yours) just to chastise and insult all the people here at I2. calandale invited me ffs and he's pretty much my only real friend here... so im not some twat.... if you have any esteem for him.
why dont you take your uber writing skillz and put them to use? i am. im writing a book... outside of my school work and uber-leet WoW addiction. you sound like a pretty conscious person too, so you should probably have something more intelligent to say yourself, other than browbeating people on their birthday threads.