No, I use basic mental hygenie, and let good moods guide me. Those are the makings of postive affirmations. I don't want someone taking care of me, girfriend or mom. She needs to stop pestering me, try to help herself more, and stop using me for a crutch. I am very sick of it, even though I am doing very well, she continues to patronize me. She cannot take my defective bike away because I choose to ride it at night. If I get into an accident, its my fault. I she bought me bright colored vest for night riding and I don't ride it. Its cool but I guess am just lazy, in that regard. The adrenal rush it provokes maybe a factor, but still I am in great physical shape. If I do get hit, I will have greater chance of being ok because of my excellent physical condition.
Alex, let go, can you? I am choose to appologize to you, and can you please not do what my mom does?