One of the problems was that there were a few members who were more interested in protocols and making up superfluous rules than actually having fun with the site. I have even seen Calandale post that all this rule mongering, nitpicking, and prescription for possibilities WAS fun to him.
Indeed, 'twas. It also was fairly necessary, IMO. Members being
uninterested, yet still
voting against any attempt to make the whole system in harmony was a serious problem, one
which no governing body can handle. Everyone was happy, when all we were discussing was
the color of people's stars (or poop).
There were a few more people who just wanted for the site's World Council to decide what to do about problems, as those problems arose.
It really never served ANY purpose. It delayed the
ability of the staff to act, in the case of actual problems.
In fact, at a site with no rules, the whole idea was pretty
damned dumb. But fun.
One of the reasons Calandale must take some responsibility, along with the entire WC membership, for the demise of the WC is that he attempted to project farther into the future than many wanted to go. This created a rift. He, along with some others, wanted to change the way things were, to a more formal representation of some imagined democracy.
No attempt to change anything, except for the restrictions
on the power of the WC. Frankly, those projections frightened
me in terms of what could be done to the site.
I like Calandale, too.