Alright. I've gone over this with you all before, but apparantly I haven't gotten through to you. If anyone has any ideas as to how I can promote understanding of this idea, please let me know after the meeting. But this has to change, and I'm beginning to lose my patience, as is our field consultant.
We are almost two months behind on our acorn quota. Entire shipments are now being sent back full of malformed, genetically mutated, and just generally badly nursed acorns. One of our clients even came to me personally with what had been shipped to him as an acorn but turned out to be Barbara Streisand in a chicken costume. This has to stop, now.
I know some of you have had difficult domestic situations within the past couple of months, and you know I have done the best I could to lighten work-related stress. But there's only so much I can do. Much as we like to think of ourselves as a familial unit, the fact is that intensity squared is an acorn inspection firm, and from this point on, it WILL start acting like one.