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The rotating profiles club?

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--- Quote from: Michel Ney on November 18, 2007, 05:46:01 PM ---I use clique in a pretty loose sense. Really, just a
group, with some commonality. And, they may have
deep rooted psychological reasons for being so attached
to their profiles.

--- End quote ---

I was thinking that earlier. Anyway, I'd be game to do it, but only if we can pick our own personas out of a subject criteria that the one person chooses. I don't like the idea of being assigned a profile directly. So, if the criteria was "cities in Scandinavia" I could pick Oslo without being assigned Stockholm. And if someone else wanted Oslo I could just headbutt them continuously until their skull collapsed.

ok we could do that, all pick our favorite. i guess. i think we could do exotic fruits.

Fritz the Cat:
I join the group.


Fritz the Cat:
Whaaat's the first one?


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