I think the main issue some people on the spectrum have with it is that the way we perceive the world is completely different due to our sensory differences, differing cognitive strengths/weaknesses and methods of processing information - some aspects such as learning to develop schemas and situational rigidity are sane responses to the world in which we have to operate and the deficits we have in working in it compared to non autistic people, but some seem clearly neurological. how do you reprogram an adult brain to learn to think differently? what impact would that have on our personalities or talents?
Do you see what I'm getting at? Autism is a double edged sword, and I think it is hard to separate the 'condition' from the individual, as some of our behaviours and learned preferences etc are a reaction to our neurological differences to the norm. 
as always there is personal choice....
how many people here CHOOSE to take whatever meds they're on?
many people don't. they are forced into it. they are made to think there is something wrong with them. and unborn babies don't get the choice of remaining themselves. no, their uniqueness is stripped by geneologists who want the "perfect" un-unique offspring.

I don't need no stinking "help". My outlook and perspective on things are my own, and no-one is going to alter them just because my line of thinking doesn't suit society at large.
In summary, go fuck yourselves.
that seems to be all you have to say about anything
im glad you enjoy your strengths and weaknesses. im not on meds or anything else either... but i realize that other people have different views... and it's silly and immature to just go tell everyone to go fuck themselves.
people who think AS is a disorder should go fuck themselves. it's no more a disorder than NT.
I don't need no stinking "help". My outlook and perspective on things are my own, and no-one is going to alter them just because my line of thinking doesn't suit society at large.
In summary, go fuck yourselves.
fucking eugenics. it's like trying to cure homosexuality instead of trying to cure the world of biggotry and hatred for unique individuals. disgusting.
lol not everyone thinks like that...
rediculous to try and cure homsexuality... but there are some gay people who dont wish to be gay.
but a key diff is that most any gay person can function in society
i dont disagree that it's the WORLD that should change
but whatever... im more mature than just simply saying go fuck yourselves...
if you truly believe what you say... dont take any meds... dont apply for disability (cause nothing's wrong)... and quit crying
i don't have the fucking disability, the world does. so there IS something wrong. and you know there is something wrong with me like there is something wrong with everyone, aspies and NT both. AS is not a disorder if NT is not a disorder. both have weak points and strong points the other group does not have.
and it IS mature to say go fuck yourselves to people who want to change the ones who have some fucking sense of how the world should work. go fuck yourself if you think you're more mature than me cuz you're not as fucking passionate about an individual's right to fucking choose to be who they are. your line of work would lead to babies being stripped of their uniqueness. don't be naive and think the world will let your research only be used for good.

and i'm not crying. you don't know jack shit about me.
you know, if you truly care about how the brain works, you shouldn't be so fucking black and white about it, cuz the brain is fucking grey through and through.
study NT behavior and NT brain functions and how they can be cured of their disabilities, if you really want to help the world. cuz i remember being bullied by NTs, not the other way around. i remember i was forced to do stupid things because the NTs were so fucking disabled they couldn't see a better way of doing things. all my life i've suffered from not being blind to crap like NTs are, not being numb like NTs are. i've made my mistakes but so have the NTs and we are all fucking equals. but we are not treated as equals so we aspies have to speak up for ourselves and say fuck you to the curebies. that is all.