I see it as in most cases little more than a hobby or fulfilling ones curiosities, as opposed to something that will benefit us.
what kind of "help" would you want?
i can foresee genetherapy to minimize impacts for children as well as possible improvement for adults.
Genetherapy is a touchy subject because it can be taken to be seen as an issue of eugenics rather than of symptom alleviation- maybe sort of akin to the reaction you'd get if you suggested trying to genetically elimiate a certain ethnicity (pick one) because they tended to be discriminated against and therefore their lives were going to be harder than other ethnicities.
That just wouldn't fly.
I think it's am important and oft-overlooked consideration that, because Autism does seem to have a good deal of its source in genetics/in people's basic organic makeup, that it does become an issue of eugenics- if not in the mass-murder type of way, then maybe more in the designer-babies sense (if you don't think that sounds too bad, maybe watch the movie Gattica to get an idea of some of the worries people ahve about that, if you're not already aware). Further, we (they? I don't even fucking know what
I am in this respect any more but that's tenagential) value ourselves as individuals, as who we are. No longer being autistic isn't a simple question like dying your hair or even correcting your vision; it's much more global than that, as far as who we are. Depending on what you view Autism as being/entailing/how integral a part of being "you" you see it as, no longer being Autistic could be more like the quetsion of a complete personality change, perhaps almost as severe as a brian transplant.
Eh, I could say more, but I prolly sound fucking pretentious, especially since I (I think just today) came out of the closet that I question that I even have AS. I shoudl point out that even when I was sure I had it, I could see both sides of this: Help us, yes, as you would anyone who struggles in any way (if you were of the inclination) and help involves change. But changing us doesn't mean completely erasing and elimiinating us- there is something of value to us as well.