Why don't vampires usually get women pregnant?They can't come inside without permission.
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http://www.wrongplanet.net/asperger.html?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=207052#207052According to that I'm banned from Wp, and I've never even been a member there
That applies to arguments only. Do I have the right to be nuts. Am I supposed to like being isolated all my life cause I supposidly have aspergers syndrome? AM I supposed to not hate my mother cause she is responsible for all my suicidal rants. Do I want to suffer for the rest of life with many compound disablilites.? As I said I could rope some people that messed up my life into that are the cause of my rants I can have a good time doing it to. What is the point in living with wasted talents when I can mess some other people life up instead then they can stop pretending its an attention game. Cause mom your a lossy f**** piece of sh**. Have a good time with your lithium and I hope they kill you cause if they don;t I may. All I have to do is buy some tyrosine starting feeding my skin cancer no one would know. If they run me threw a mental hospital I will f**k them up too. I am happy and suicidal at same time. I am only normal in the day apparently. Either that or I could move away from them change my name. Changeing my name to something else is a definite. I put a ban so if they go near me even one of them They can go to jail.
how could he force you?
this will be just more publicity for him and remember, there is no such thing as bad publicity.also, put a link to intensity all over your article.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.
The wank locked my important topic. http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt49871.htmlIf creating multiple accounts is a violation of his terms, then why didn't he ban me again
With the help of my friend, Benoit, I'm going to host a webpage to highlight the cunt that Alex Plank is. I need to know every detail about him to make this work. I need to know all the shit-stirring he's done to you guys.Don't tell me that this is pointless. Either you help me or you do not.That bastard is going to pay for what he's done to my friends and other innocent people.