You know what? I'm gonna take a break from this forum for a while. Cause theres a person who bullied me and thats Sehnsucht. Her and Sophie hurt me on the ZOMG forums. Any Aspie in their right mind knows how much it hurts to be bullied. Sehnsucht is not an Aspie in her right mind. She probaly has built up anger and needs to take it out on people. Many people on the Aspie forums are mean. I can take the abuse on I2 cause thats what I expect. I got one really good Aspie freind in real life and thats all I need. I have one Aspie freind on msn who I have known for almost two years and she is smart enough to not post on these forums. She likes to watch the drama. She's got brains. I'm not mentioning her name of course.
I would rather hang out in a room full of typical NT girls talking about shoes and sex (While I cover my ears and scream) than be on the internet talking to people I don't even know.
Sehnsucht uses a lot of sarcasm. One language an Aspie really has hard time understanding.
lol wtf i only just saw this

damn, you gave up easily. alex, quatermass, krabz, and now you. why does NO ONE explain themselves to me after they bullshit about sophie on the retard forum (aka cuntplanet)?
i've never bullied anyone in my life. i've argued with people, yes. called people a twat, yes. bullied? jesus, you think that was bullying, you should try going through some of what the girl you called 'mean' went through before she died.
and don't you fucking dare bring sophie into this. if she hurt you then you're a weak, pathetic little shit. she did nothing bad to you at all, she was a sweet and good person.
oh and there goes the "you don't have AS insult"...

yeah, i have a lot of anger right now. no shit. my only friend is being used by cuntish idiots like you and all the other little pricks on wp. so yeah, i am pretty angry. i'm not taking out my anger on you though. if i was, you'd know about it.
fuck off to your "real aspie" friend. i use sarcasm a lot. who cares? i also have AS-related problems with understanding sarcasm, doesn't mean i should quit using it all together though. and like i told you on zomg, quit generalising every fucking person with AS. we're not all the same. if you knew anything about AS/autism, you'd know it's a spectrum - we're not all the fucking same (thank god, must suck like a bitch to be you).
you're an idiot. jesus, i thoguht
i was weak. if you're really as bad as you come across, you're going to have an even harder time than me getting through life.