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Canadian police taser a guy to death
« on: November 15, 2007, 04:15:21 PM »
RICHMOND, British Columbia (Nov. 15) - A video of a Polish immigrant being jolted with a police Taser at the Vancouver airport shows the man screaming and writhing in pain on the floor shortly before he dies.

The video, taken by another traveler on Oct. 14, shows four Royal Canadian Mounted Police converging on Robert Dziekanski, who could not speak English and who had languished in the airport arrivals area for 10 hours after his flight arrived last month.

"He's holding a folding table at the door to the arrivals area of Vancouver airport. He's exhausted, confused, and breathing heavily," reports Terry Milewski of the CBC.

After arriving from Poland on his first-ever plane ride, Dziekanski had been waiting 10 hours for his mother, who told him to wait in the baggage area. But she couldn't go in there, couldn't get a message to him and finally went home after being told he never arrived.

On the video, a bystander tried to calm Dziekanski down, but he didn't understand. Then, he picked up a computer and threw it, and then a wooden piece of furniture.

The Polish man appears calm when the police arrive.

The video shows him backing up, raising his hands and turning away before the police stun him with the 50,000-volt Taser, sending him to the floor screaming before he's stunned again and the Mounties pin down his head and limbs to handcuff him.

"Probably the most disturbing part is one of the officers using his leg and his knee to pin his head and his neck against the ground," said Paul Pritchard, who made the video.

Dziekanski then became quiet and died soon after.

"I don't know why it ever became a police incident," said retired Vancouver police Supt. Ron Foyle. "It didn't seem that he made any threatening gestures towards them."

"Not a lot goes on in an airport. So, if you're there and there's an incident, sometimes they might overreact. It looks like that's what happened in Vancouver," aviation expert Michael Boyd said on CBS News' The Early Show Thursday.

The RCMP urged the public not to rush to judgment.

"it is only one piece of evidence and it's one person's view, the viewfinder of one individual," said RCMP Cpl. Dale Carr, adding that something made the Mounties take the action they did.

The lawyer for Diekanski's mother, Walter Kosteckyj, said the release of the video has driven the woman into seclusion.

He said Zofia Cisowski of Kamloops saw part of the video and feels her son was frightened, in distress and looking for help which he never got.

"They have to do something with this killing with that Taser weapon. they should do something because that is killer, people killer," Cisowski told the CBC before going into seclusion.

"You've got to question whether one person standing there with three or four officers is a threat," Boyd told Early Show co-anchor Hannah Storm. "It doesn't look good for the Canadian police right now."

This shit is pretty fucked.   Posting youtube on this forum is different than on others.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 09:32:04 PM by Mangled_Corpse »
:P   Internets are super serious.

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Re: Canadian police tazer a guy to death
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2007, 07:04:21 PM »
Tasers are very dangerous but are passed of as safe.  There was no reason to do that they had him contained and should have waited for an interpreter.  Did you see the cop by his head it looked like he was hitting him with his night stick when he was already down.   Police make the argument that they get tasered in training to use it but these people are not expecting it like the cops are and they are in a very agitated state to begin with I'm sure that doesn't help the chances that they have a heart attack.  Tasers and their use has to be carefully looked at as much as a regular shooting and not just brushed off and used when ever they want to.  Some one died in police custody in my town over the summer after being tasered and dragged into a holding cell and left alone completely out of it.  There is more and more stories like this every month and it is sad
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Re: Canadian police tazer a guy to death
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2007, 07:21:14 PM »
Tasers are very dangerous but are passed of as safe.  There was no reason to do that they had him contained and should have waited for an interpreter.  Did you see the cop by his head it looked like he was hitting him with his night stick when he was already down.   Police make the argument that they get tasered in training to use it but these people are not expecting it like the cops are and they are in a very agitated state to begin with I'm sure that doesn't help the chances that they have a heart attack.  Tasers and their use has to be carefully looked at as much as a regular shooting and not just brushed off and used when ever they want to.  Some one died in police custody in my town over the summer after being tasered and dragged into a holding cell and left alone completely out of it.  There is more and more stories like this every month and it is sad
When Tasers first came out, I was one of the first volunteers in our gun club who agreed to let them try it on us. I did it three times - each time with more clothing on. Even through a nylon, padded jacket and a couple of layers of cotton, it can render you helpless. If they nailed someone with light clothing and did it over several recharges, I can see how it could easily become harmful, especially if the person is already agitated to the point of a racing heart.

I agree that they should be studied mroe carefully and can not be considered harmless. Non-lethal weapons more effective than a spitwad do not exist. Even a blank (powder charge) can kill someone, if properly placed.
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Re: Canadian police tazer a guy to death
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2007, 07:31:38 PM »
Also like I said when you volunteered you knew it was coming and was ready well as ready as you cold be.  Now think about someone in a meltdown heart racing not really understand just what is about to happen.   
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Re: Canadian police tazer a guy to death
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2007, 07:35:17 PM »
Airports make me like that too.

Cops are WAY too trigger happy when it comes to tasers.

"As they ran in, I heard one of the officers say, 'Can I Taser him, should I Taser?' before they actually even got to Mr. Dziekanski," said Pritchard, who lives in Victoria.

There needs to be much stronger rules on what is deemed necessary force for tasers. 
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Re: Canadian police tazer a guy to death
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2007, 07:39:11 PM »
Also like I said when you volunteered you knew it was coming and was ready well as ready as you cold be.  Now think about someone in a meltdown heart racing not really understand just what is about to happen.   
Exactly and I think that is the hidden danger.

A cop has very little way of knowing how pumped or crunk or what ever, a person happens to be, when the decision to use the Taser is made. It is still considered harmless  and the general protocol is to go for the torso. You could get almost the same effect by hitting someone in the leg, but it would not affect the heart as much.
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Re: Canadian police tazer a guy to death
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2007, 07:39:40 PM »
Airports make me like that too.

Cops are WAY too trigger happy when it comes to tasers.

"As they ran in, I heard one of the officers say, 'Can I Taser him, should I Taser?' before they actually even got to Mr. Dziekanski," said Pritchard, who lives in Victoria.

There needs to be much stronger rules on what is deemed necessary force for tasers. 

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Re: Canadian police taser a guy to death
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2007, 09:56:30 PM »
The voltage at which tazers operate are more than enough to be lethal.  The idea is that the two prongs discharge close together so that they don't discharge through the heart.  However, if multiple tazers are in operation it is entirely possible for there to be enough current to stop the heart.  And there's nothing to say that the prongs won't be in just the right place to discharge through the heart.
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Re: Canadian police taser a guy to death
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2007, 11:50:41 PM »
i saw that on the news, it made me sick. it's really sad. he was just frustrated after waiting 10 hours, i'd be throwing chairs too. :( the police are fascists. fuckers. cowards.

one guy with a chair vs a bunch of people armed with tasers, not exactly fair. they could have easily taken him into custody without violence or sealed him in and waited for an interpreter. they could have shown him some compassion.

it seems the more there are police officers the more scared they are of one measly man. always going in with guns blazing, in huge groups. that says they are fucking scared and paranoid. and willing to put people's lives in danger.
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Re: Canadian police taser a guy to death
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2007, 11:51:06 PM »
could it be his neck broke? when they pinned him down.
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Re: Canadian police taser a guy to death
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2007, 01:10:14 AM »
Canadians couldn't have done it. Canadians doesn't hurt people. It's infiltrated!!!!

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Re: Canadian police taser a guy to death
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2007, 01:50:49 AM »
He was zapped more than once? Because that is not necessary. Sorry, I could not/would not watch the video.

But I know sometimes the police can go overboard and it does not surprise me that someone got tasered too much.
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Re: Canadian police taser a guy to death
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2007, 12:36:21 AM »
HAHAHA, you guys are just like us.

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Re: Canadian police taser a guy to death
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2007, 12:38:54 AM »
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

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Re: Canadian police taser a guy to death
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2007, 08:51:35 PM »
The voltage at which tazers operate are more than enough to be lethal.  The idea is that the two prongs discharge close together so that they don't discharge through the heart.  However, if multiple tazers are in operation it is entirely possible for there to be enough current to stop the heart.  And there's nothing to say that the prongs won't be in just the right place to discharge through the heart.

This is also true, but there is no need for the current to traverse the heart. There are a number of nerve centers in the body, which interrupting, could have a similar effect. There is an extreme danger in discharging multiple Tasers on one person, simultaneously. This is well known.

I can't imagine police training leaving this important detail out.
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