This is a very difficult question to answer, Kevv!
First, you are not really an obnoxious drunk, online, so your drunken behavior is not something that I find hard to tolerate. In fact, I find it hard to recognize, when I pop in for a minute and you have been drinking all night. Your typing sucks, but after two beers, so does mine. You are not a belligerent person, even after a good bit of alcohol. You are still a nice guy, for the most part, even drunk.
I don't really know how much you drink, but a case of beer at a single setting would kick my ass. Really! It's not really about a quantity, though. Alcohol affects us all in different ways and, on top of that, it affects us differently, depending on how much we drink and, again, depending on HOW we drink and WHY we drink. Alcohol is a fickle mistress.
The main thing I fear is that you have lost control of yourself, at times. Some of us seek this displacement of ourselves, but some kind of real life tether is necessary. This is where some local, outside help is beneficial to you. There are times when we all need a reality check.
Any time we see someone we care about, doing things that could possibly harm them, we are distressed. I fear for your liver and your retirement from life's difficult times. You are still a young(ish) man and there is a great deal of time for you to do the things that are your favorites, the things YOU care about, if you want. I would not want for you to miss these things, even though I am not really sure what they all are.
So, I guess what I am saying is that I don't really object to your behaviors, but I don't want to see you miss out on things that you want to do, either. I am afraid that you may have lost some control of your own way, in recent months.
It's an impossible question, Kevv!