Ah finally someone admitted to their D interest. I remember taking a youth diaper out of special ed when I was 12. The staff had a supply of them in there for a disabled student. Of course I got busted by my mother when she caught me in it at home and told me I had stolen from private property. Wasn't it same as taking a band aid or a few cotton balls school nurses keep in the office? I guess not because my mother told me the parents buy them and bring them to school for their kid instead and the school doesn't buy them, the parents do. It's even mentioned in my records from 1997 when I was going in for a diagnoses. It said I took a diaper from the school store. 
Yes, parents provide diapers, wipes, etc. for their children who use them. Quite often, they send Kleenexes as well, but the whole class shares them when the box is opened.
The school usually buys Band-Aids for the nurse's office.
But they said school store. What the heck is that? A store in the school where they sell supplies? All I know is we had a student store there. It was a stand in the hallway that had a lock on it and it was ran by students before school and they sold school supplies and when they close it all they had to do was close the stand and lock it.
School stores sell school supplies, like pencils and paper. There's no way that I can imagine them selling diapers at a school store. The doctor just got the story a little wrong, I think.
You must have taken a diaper from somewhere like the nurse's office, where they sometimes keep diapers and wipes that the parents bring to school for their children who need them.
I sent a large package of Pull-ups for my daughter when she wore them, along with a box of wipes, which they used a lot of, so I kept sending them more diaper wipes. I also sent those Clean-up wipes for surfaces. These were kept in the special education bathroom, IIRC, however some kids had them in the nurse's bathroom. I also sent changes of clothes along with a few more Pull-ups and a small box of wipes, which were kept in her backpack.