Shit, you son of a bitch, you figured me out. They are cheap to.

Bananas have a high oxygen radical absorbancy capacity. I get it from other sources to.
I bought potassium replacement product before, without a prescription. Potassium gluconate tablets, with all that salt bread I used to eat. Then I took potassium chloride salt, a salt substitue. The gluconate form caused stomach cramps, the chloride form caused diahrrea.
Seaweed, what did you expect? I herd some of the shit about the japaneese life span, so it would seem logical I would do the same things as them, not necessarly coping them. I herd they cook with ginseng, I was thinking about that myself. It sounds intresting, and I like just about everything I eat anyway.
Callaway, you just gave me an idea. Instead of eating the seaweed, I should wipe my ass with it.

Maybe I should eat the seaweed after for nutrtional purposes. Hit two birds with one stone, that is self actualizing

I am joking you know.