i think i need more fiber. Ass Fairy 8 reporting.
I came to that realization recently and purchased fiber wafers. You can have some. 
Wrong answer assfairy 7. Fiber wafers lack the vitamins, minerals, and benefical photochemicals vegs have. Veges have fiber to. Take a lesson from me, I went down that path a dozen times, you can't use supplements to replace a good diet. If I did that, you would have your way with me.. ah.. I would maybe need my abilify

Internalizers come about from also rewarding the kids for logical compromise. Defensive coping strategies include repression, reaction formation, fixation, displacement, etc. ETC=chineese, for Randy needs to review more

Down on your a hands and knees and... scrub my floor

I should try giving my mom a complment ounce in a while. I say I love you, but I can't remember the last time I said something nice like that. She thinks I am bipolar

She seems to have trouble dealing with how she acts affects me, so she likes that fantasy better. I can't imagine why I forgot to say something nice