When I was 13 I vandlised all over the school drawing Sonic The hedgehog characters everywhere.
I remember drawing a big huge monster covering the whole door. I also drew a male Digimon charceter with boobs. I got caught you know why?
I have always been very good in art and had my own unique style so EVERYONE knew all that vandalism was mine. Everyone went "Hey Marlys! Awesome monster in the bathroom stall!" and I was thinking ah shit.
My art was familiar by students from my binders and the art teacher would put my art on up on the walls.
Thats the disadvantage to being good in art. I had more art class privileges than the other kids and all kids want to be in art. So they got all got jealous and threw shit at me at lunch. Kids made fun of me telling me the art teacher wanted to be lesbian with me.

I used to draw things for kids in art class cause I could do it really fast. Most kids take art because it's the easiest class to slack off well for them it seems like it. So while they were slacking I would be drawing pictures for them to hand in to the art teacher. The art teacher always looked at me funny after the kids would be "Look what I drew!" Than they all hated me. They probaly all got F's in art lol......