Author Topic: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?  (Read 1706 times)

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What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« on: November 09, 2007, 12:18:53 AM »
I'm not trying to be funny. I seriously did these things when i was a kid.

-Chased my grandmother with baby powder while she was wearing all black and I threw it on her and than hid
in the closet in the TV room telling my brother to "hide me Hide me!"

-Put eggs in my grandmas bed under the mattress

-Threw raw chicken breast over the fence

-Got pissed off at our cockatiel that my step-dad found at his job site and let it go outside and I threw one pound of ground beef towards it to scare it away. I did a lot of meat throwing.

-My brother's girlfreind and I would take our cats and put them together and force them to fight. We called this ritual
"Friday night cat fight" and did it every Friday late at night. When I was older and aloud to stay up as late as I wanted (I was 12)

(this was years before I became a humane vegetarian and animal rights activist. I was psycho and my Aspergers and ADHD way more severe.)

« Last Edit: November 09, 2007, 12:21:25 AM by Beatle Head »


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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2007, 12:26:28 AM »
When I was 14 I painted a big red/purple/blue circle on the ceiling.

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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2007, 12:26:47 AM »
When we first got AOL around '95, I did some explorin'. Went into the chats, typed in "fuck" for the room (because it was a swear word), and tried to figure out what the hell everybody was talking about. Then someone offered to trade pics. Well I gave her some pics of like video games or something that were on my HD and she gave me nudes. I got really scared and showed my dad.

Completely true story.
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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2007, 02:22:14 AM »
Heaps. My best friend was still being a brat at high school.

I threw an ice cream wrapper over to the neighbours
Threw a rotten orange against the neighbours house
Ripped off some of the neighbours wall paper
Put lipstick around the eyes of mums old teddybear
Ripped off my sisters mickey mouse leg and threw it in the rubbish
Drew pictures of people having sex and hid them under the bed

Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2007, 02:40:23 AM »
I was playing a mad libs game on AOL when I was 12. You fill in a form like putting ina verb, a gross word, noun, etc. and then you send it to the AOL company and they send you back the story using the words you picked but I put the word 'Fuck' in one of tem and they emailed me back with no story telling me what I did wasnt very nice and I am to play the game nicely, etc.

When I was 5 years old, m parents got a new refrigerator and it had the water despensor on the front and one morning I kept telling my two year od brother to keep pushing the button and the water kept coming out and it filed the tray with water and then it was dripping down the freezer door and finally my mother came down and caught him, she pulled up his wet sleeve and slapped his hand. I sure got a kick out of that.

When I was under 10, I would do things and then tell my mother by saying what my bothers did and I enjoyed watching them getting in trouble. I did it as revenge for whenever they made me mad so I get back at them by doing something wrong like messing up their room or making a mess somewhere i the house and blaming it on my brothers. I also did it for fun.

When I was six my friend made popcorn and I made a huge mess in the family room with it by throwing the popcorn pieces all over the carpet ad my friend said "You better pick this up before your mother comes down. You will gt in trouble," but I didn't listen because I didn't know my mother would get mad and when she did see the mess, she started yelling and I sai my brothers made it when he asked who made the mess. Sh yelled at them and sent them off to bed.

When I was seven I unplugged the lamp in my brothers' room because I was sick and tired of them having to have it on at night becaue they were afraid of the dark and it just bugged me. So I told my mother the light burned ot and I enjoyed the rest of the week with them going to bed with no light on but I hated them having the hallway light on, so I told my brothers their lamp was unplugged and showe them. That night I heard my mother saying "No it is not unplugged."

When I was eight, I kept telling my five year old brother to kiss the toilet seat and he kept on doing it whenever I told him.

I drew and wrote on the walls when I was six and seven. I did it in my room and the playoom. Then my room only when mom started yelling a me for writing on the playroom wall. I stopped when I was about eight.

When I was eight, this little boy asked me to bring his bike home but instead I rode it halfway and hid it in the nieghbor's bush as a joke thinking he will find it when I tell him I left it on the sidewalk. But he didn't know he was supposed to look in the neighbor's yard because his mother called my house and mom answered the phone and yelled "Elizabeth, what did you do with Nathin's bike?" and went back to talking on the phone.
Then she made me get the bike after she was done on the phone and made me bring it back to his house and apologize to him. I never did that trick again.

When  was about four or five, I was walkling around the nieghbohood with my mom and my brothers in their stroller and then we see these kids playing with a fresbee and mom is talking to one of the neighbors and I ask the kids if I could throw the frisbee. After asking over and over, they finally hand it to me and I try to throw it on the roof someone's house but couldn't get it on top. The kids didn't let me throw it again.


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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2007, 05:44:20 AM »
Define "bratty"


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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2007, 05:50:06 AM »
Knifed someone.

Offline renaeden

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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2007, 08:27:35 PM »
I cut the fur on the tip of the cat's tail to make it look flat. It looked funny but I got into big trouble.
Ripped off some of the neighbours wall paper

I did that at a friend's house. It was too tempting not to.

Chucked a tantrum when I was at other people's houses if they didn't have the specific biscuits that I liked.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2007, 08:39:06 PM by renaeden »
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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2007, 08:34:28 PM »
Took things from my the youngest of my brothers, and when he tried to take it back I cried and called for mom and dad saying he hit me and he is trying to steal these things from me.

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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2007, 08:49:17 PM »
I used to enjoy setting traps for people like covered holes, trip wires, and such
I also used to throw rocks at people
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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2007, 08:50:09 PM »
renaeden tells me 'bratty' means 'naughty'.  Oh.. Well want a list? ;)  :evillaugh:

In no particular order:

When I was 2, I ate a piece of dog shit. My mother took it off me and I screamed.
Interestingly enough the dog crap was found inside my Dad's sister's house in her bedroom... Eww

My sister was fiddling with my parent's crossing training exercise bike. I moved the pedal which caused my sister's finger to get jammed in and sliced open. She had to be taken to the emergency clinic. No stitches though, just a few butterfly clip thingies.

I ran home from school at least twice, during school hours. I was running from negative experiences with the other students, and teachers. Or also ran out of the classroom and hid in the playground.

At the same school I once slammed my friend's head against a metal pole after he stole my a toy car of mine. His father was across the road, I don't know if he saw or not, but I did not get in trouble.

At high school I swore at teachers and refused the direction of several teachers, including Vice Principal, on several occasions. I did not see this as a naughty action, but rather standing up for myself and my beliefs.

I also have refused the direction of my parents on numerous occasions...which led to:

Me having fought with my father. Neither of us won, kind of a stalemate (and Dad held back alot)

I also put my fist through a door. Which was not the fight renaeden and me had, but long before I met renaeden. I had a heated argument with my mother, and hit the nearest door lest I hit her.

My sister played the flute...Sometimes not very well..And that is the most grating and annoying noise there is.. Especially when you're already in a bad mood. So I put my foot through the adjoining wall between my bedroom and hers. And then hid it for a week!

I once put laxative in my sister's drink, though it didn't do anything I got in big trouble.

Ever the practical joker I put a huge rubber spider on the toilet late at night, and my mother was the next to use the toilet. She screamed. I stifled my laughter.

Being the selfish little shit I was, I almost broke a floppy disc that contained a game called "Scorched Earth" to prevent my sisters from playing it.

I once held my pet rat over my sister's face until it urinated on her. It wasn't my intention...

I often would accidentally break stuff and then fearing repercussions I made it so no one would notice. However if they did noticed I would deny I had anything to do with it. I got so good at lying that most times people believed me.

I once threw a handful of forks at my mother. It was during a heated argument while I was setting the table for dinner, prior to that my mother had thrown a jug at the table which then bounced into my face causing my to lash out with the forks. As it turned out it split the skin on my face and required three stitches. My mother suffered no damage due to the forks, but felt hugely guilty about the jug.

I stole stuff from primary school, like blutack, or little blocks, counters etc. And when caught out I'd lie about it, badly.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2007, 08:52:42 PM by GalileoAce »

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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2007, 11:36:23 AM »
Took toys home from my school when I was 7 and my mother would make me bring them back to school the next day

Threw a male cat in our garage when I was 12 with our kitten who was in heat so they have sex and our cat has kittens. I did it because I was mad at my family and wanted to punish my parents and they didn't want any kittens so I did it.

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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2007, 05:39:23 PM »
Hit the neighbor kid over the head with a rock ( Age 4)

Threw Rocks at cars (Age 5)

Tresspassed on an airstrip (Age 5)

Put my fist through a window (Age 5)

Beat up a fifth grader who was picking on me (Age 8 )

Filched sodas from pipe factory (Age 9)

Smashed lunch tray at the lunch counter when another kid jumped line on front of me (Age 10)

Numerous playground incidents at the same school (Age 10)

Hung out to 2AM and smoked cigarettes with older kids (Age 11)

Put foot through a plate glass door (Age 11)

Destroyed religious lady's lawn with a sledgehammer (Age 12)

Shot Bottle Rockets at a family having 4th of July cookout (Age 12)

Stole a bike and got run over riding it by drunk teenagers (Age 12)

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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2007, 07:44:54 PM »
The usual shit. Started fires, smashed windows and trespassed a lot in abandoned factories; made (not very good) bombs, vandalised things, had fun with eggs particularly with banks and stuff, targeted people with fancy cars for pranks (like painting the windscreen with lard), picked on and pranked a kid who had even worse social skills than I did (and no I'm not proud of it. we're actually still on speaking terms lol), trashed all my sisters teeny pop posters.


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Re: What bratty things did you do when you were a kid?
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2007, 07:53:06 PM »
I got locked in one of them yellow diggers once while I was pissing about on a building site.