Author Topic: Giving off the wrong signals  (Read 1576 times)

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Re: Giving off the wrong signals
« Reply #60 on: November 09, 2007, 04:16:32 PM »
lol I don't flirt with people either. I don't think I know how.  :-\

I think that's the thing. I don't really know how to flirt, but my wife says I do it all the time with everybody. She has called me down a few times for flirting with gay guys and said that I was being mean to them. I was not flirting!


My husband has said the same thing about me, but I'm definitely not flirting with anyone.  Maybe I was trying to not be unfriendly to people, but that's all.

I get very focused on people and have to ask them a million questions, which probably gets misconstrued as romantic interest a lot.

Quote fixed.


I ask some people questions about themselves too, because that is what I think that you are supposed to do to engage them in conversation.  Probably not a million though.


See, I got so excited about conveying how interested I can get with people I fucked my own comment up!

I think people are flattered at first, however IRL, it can be a bit disconcerting for people to feel interrogated after a while!  Oops.

I wonder if I make people feel interrogated IRL.


The mystery has been solved many times over, for me. I definitely make people feel uncomfortable and interrogated when I take an interest in them. What ever cues they give off to tell me to shut the fuck up are missed and my enthusiasm holds strong, well past propriety.

Oops, for sure!

Eclair, I got your comment, even though your enthusiasm caused you to mess it up. I read between the lines and the legs, but not so much between the minds.
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Re: Giving off the wrong signals
« Reply #61 on: August 28, 2014, 03:15:48 PM »
There's a gay guy in one of my classes that seems to be flirting with me. I think he might be interpreting my aspie-awkwardness as gay-awkwardness. Does this happen to anybody else?

Happened to me at my high school reunion.

A gay classmate thought I was gay and tried to flirt with me.