What did you hope to do by playing such a prank?
You think I was going to get confused?
Actually, I laughed when I saw it, not get bothered.
A joke about my trauma to get me worked up? Too busy jacking off.
* AllDayGlowRandy wishes he has a pair of his girlfriend's underwear to use for jacking off.
I really should not have as much controll as I should over my trauma issues, because of ADHD. If it honestly bothered me as much as it supposed to, I might take meds, but I don't feel the need because I am in controll. Really I have dealt with worse, far worse, and I grew tougher. I have reviewed this concept a few thousand times, I don't have to suffer. Even then, meds does not take care of everything, anyone who thinks they can is a fool. You have to take care of yourself in addition, not get hangovers. It should not either take care of everything.