If you had a problem with the "Don't Prank Me List" why did you not take it up with Duncvis when he suggested it in the ground rules thread in the admin forum? I waited a few days before I started this thread, to see whether there were any objections.
Duncvis said that such a thread would be started and that we as administrators would respect their wishes.
Since you have such great respect for Dunc and Mel, I would have assumed that you would have no problem with it.
Peaguy, thanks for making the Youtube where you talk to me about what you are feeling.
I started to post what I PMed you in the "Don't Prank Me List" thread, but then I thought that might not be appropriate to talk in that thread about what Duncvis said in the the Ground Rules topic that he started in the Admin forum, so I decided to put it in a PM to you instead. I wasn't trying to be condescending to you.
You apparently think that The "Don't Prank Me List" was my idea, but it was actually Dunc's.
I know that you saw his post because you responded to other points he raised in that post in the thread, but you did not object to such a list being made or to us as administrators respecting the wishes of members who don't want to be pranked.
I waited for a few days to start the "Don't Prank Me List" after he made that post.
I think that there is a difference between a member pranking someone by copying them or whatever and an administrator abusing his or her position to prank people who have already made it clear that they don't want to be pranked. This is my opinion.
Your opinion is that if someone does not like being pranked by you or another administrator, then they should just leave Intensity. I disagree with this opinion. You don't know how many people want to leave, you only know about the one who posted about it. Maybe the others don't want to make themselves targets (or even more so targets than they already are) while they decide what to do.
I don't believe that I state my opinions as facts. I believe that almost every opinion that I express has "I believe" or "I think" or "IMO" or something like that in it.
And I am not trying to turn Intensity into my "personal playground" or a support site. I'm not trying to turn Intensity into anything at all. I think that Intensity should be allowed to be itself, whatever that is. I think that we are a community, and I don't think that we should be driving people away from this community.