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How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List

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--- Quote from: Ass Fairy2 on November 01, 2007, 03:51:13 PM ---
--- Quote from: purposefulinsanity on November 01, 2007, 03:40:19 PM ---
--- Quote from: Ass Fairy2 on November 01, 2007, 03:35:51 PM ---The decisions that I'm alluding to all seem
in a gray area, to this member.

--- End quote ---

I didn't think you were alluding to any decisions- it looked to me like you just came right out and said what you meant. 
The scrap thing seems a non-issue to me since he'd already said he had no intention of running for admin again.  The way I see this whole situation is that he's been pushed and pushed until he completely hates a lot of the people here.  I can't say I blame him, to a certain extent anyway, but the fact that he was pushed to it doesn't make him any less of a liability sorry to say.

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He left that opening quite some time ago.
Yeah, things weren't perfect then either,
but I don't buy that as an excuse.

Anyhow, his intentions are really unimportant
here. It's the actions that we must judge. He
could have simply not revealed the issue, when
he did.

--- End quote ---

I don't buy that he did leave that opening sometime ago though.   I can't be 100% sure so I didn't say anything because I don't like to make this accusations without proof,  but when he posted with his sock puppet in the WC forum last week I asked Dunc why it wasn't marked as a sock puppet as the members voted all sock puppets should be.  I am pretty certain (but like I said not 100%) that I saw Dunc move it into the sock puppet user group- something which I think Scrapheap himself was hinting at when he mentioned the settings for that account had been changed recently.  So I think he probably set it back up himself when he had admin access at the weekend- but I can't be 100% sure.


--- Quote from: purposefulinsanity on November 01, 2007, 04:21:59 PM --- I think that the way he spoke to a lot of the people here got a lot of people angry. And he ended up stuck in a cycle where whenever he posted he was responding to angry responses to his previous posts.  I think it must be a pretty shitty situation to find yourself in even if it was caused by your own actions.

--- End quote ---

Pretty much where lit ended up. I don't like this kind of
situation, but I don't see any way around it, so long as
there are cliques AND bad feelings, without killing free


--- Quote from: Ass Fairy2 on November 01, 2007, 04:34:00 PM ---
--- Quote from: purposefulinsanity on November 01, 2007, 04:21:59 PM --- I think that the way he spoke to a lot of the people here got a lot of people angry. And he ended up stuck in a cycle where whenever he posted he was responding to angry responses to his previous posts.  I think it must be a pretty shitty situation to find yourself in even if it was caused by your own actions.

--- End quote ---

Pretty much where lit ended up. I don't like this kind of
situation, but I don't see any way around it, so long as
there are cliques AND bad feelings, without killing free

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  I don't know a way round it either, when people's tempers get up its hard for them to back down or back off other people who've got more than enough on their plate. (Same goes for when its something that people feel strongly about).  Its just human nature and there isn't a way round that, even if we did introduce play nice rules it wouldn't stop this completely.   


--- Quote from: odeon on November 01, 2007, 03:48:34 PM ---
--- Quote from: purposefulinsanity on November 01, 2007, 02:20:34 PM ---Or we could just take the staff off their pedestals and treat them like any other member unless they need to start officially waving the big stick around for any reason. I think its about time.  :laugh:
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So do I.

I feel like I am just an ordinary member except I have extra access to ways I can help Intensity.

Does that sound sucky? It probably does but I hope you know what I mean.

I wanna be on a pedestal.


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