Author Topic: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List  (Read 31810 times)

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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #135 on: October 31, 2007, 02:44:32 PM »
............... I'm talking about writing off people's arguments completely because of who they are, I'm talking about those of you that decide they're going to smite someone they disagree with every hour on the hour just to show just how much people dislike their point of view,etc).  Silencing the dissenting voice was something you said you considered bullying in your previous post,

QFT  :agreed:

odeon is a fucking hypocritical ass in this regard

as i already stated on this board, i'm too lazy to ghey anyone systematically. most of the time, i couldn't even be bothered to do it to you on more than a few occasions, even though you set hourly gheying into practise for weeks on end, and i wasn't your only target. that either makes you into a hypocrite or a self-proclaimed bully.
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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #136 on: October 31, 2007, 02:50:22 PM »
This wasn't in reference to karma smiting (something I didn't start and wasn't the only one engaged in)

most members yay or ghey others, occasionally. you did it every hour, on me, lucifer, and probably many others.

It was about how odeon and Lucifer ganged up on anyone the decided they didn't like and instead of trying to engage them in debate, simply took cheap shots at them, condescended, belittled them and smote their karma while plussing eachother.

examples? i disagree, you know. i went after you only after certain, er, disagreements. hell, i even voted for you because i felt you deserved a chance. i was wrong, btw.

It was clear bullying behavior and even McJ was getting sick of their shit. (he pm'ed me about it) 

this is becoming a trend, referring to the guy who isn't here. but if McJ had that opinion, does it make it right? is he your god or something?

If you want to accuse people of driving members out of here, why don't you accuse odeon and Lucifer of this??

because maybe she doesn't see it that way? but i'll let her answer this one.
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Offline odeon

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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #137 on: October 31, 2007, 02:56:13 PM »

i think i did explain about the shit-stirring, though, didn't i? for your benefit, i'll do it again: i think you're guilty of arguing on and on about a subject (the fiat ruling is an example), for no other purpose than provocation, in other words, shit-stirring. if me holding that opinion makes me into a bully, all of a sudden, then so be it.

Oh, I know what you MEAN by it. I don't see that it's the case.
There's always a reason underlying my point of view.

and sometimes that reason is provocation, and it's always calculated, isn't it? i seem to remember that you said it yourself.

but why would you count the yawns? they are a short form of "this bores me" and serve a purpose, imo, just as the laugh emoticons, the LMAOs, boobs, pirates, and so on.

the short form is no better than the longer.
If that's all that you have to add, why bother?
It's merely saying that this whole discussion is
simply not worth your time. Bullying? not really.
But it does show a fundamental disregard for the
effort that the poster put into expressing what
they see as important. And, when it comes to
matters of site, seems wholly inappropriate. Hell,
I don't put yawns in the midst of all the random
sex talk, which is boring to me.

i disagree. yes, :yawn: means "boring, but it does serve a purpose. it could mean "get on with it already, ffs", or simply "this is wasting EVERYONE's time", but it does serve a purpose. emoticons are very useful, especially when talking to people on the spectrum.

it's not necessarily showing a "fundamental disregard", it's a device, sometimes just as provoking as your "shit-stirring".
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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #138 on: October 31, 2007, 02:57:47 PM »
This wasn't in reference to karma smiting (something I didn't start and wasn't the only one engaged in)

most members yay or ghey others, occasionally. you did it every hour, on me, lucifer, and probably many others.

How do you know 'twas he? I tended to hit you guys
pretty often, wading through your sex chat. Probably
I'd do the same to Milla and Myself, for our silliness, when
it spams up the WC.

It was clear bullying behavior and even McJ was getting sick of their shit. (he pm'ed me about it) 

this is becoming a trend, referring to the guy who isn't here. but if McJ had that opinion, does it make it right? is he your god or something?


Scrap ain't the only person he PM'd about it.
Then he started fighting. Very soon after he
left. One can make whatever assumptions
they like out of this. I've made mine.

Does it make it right? Who cares. This was
just one further little bit of evidence that
some antics on the other side were driving
people away, since that seems to be the worry
about those who don't like the pranks.

Offline Calandale

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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #139 on: October 31, 2007, 03:01:53 PM »

and sometimes that reason is provocation,

Not that I know of.
and it's always calculated, isn't it? i seem to remember that you said it yourself.

Not always. Indeed, usually 'tis passion which causes my problems.
If I calculated better, I'd probably have more chance of success.

i disagree. yes, :yawn: means "boring, but it does serve a purpose. it could mean "get on with it already, ffs", or simply "this is wasting EVERYONE's time", but it does serve a purpose. emoticons are very useful, especially when talking to people on the spectrum.

it's not necessarily showing a "fundamental disregard", it's a device, sometimes just as provoking as your "shit-stirring".

Generally, I've taken it as pretty close to STFU.
Maybe I'm ready you wrong, but that's what
my interpretation of the above seems to be.
And, I'd say that that's both disrespectful, and
bordering on bullying. Not that I would whine about
it, if people left their own whining at the door too.
But, y'all are the ones bringing bullying into this.


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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #140 on: October 31, 2007, 03:05:27 PM »
I think the reason that people keep mentioning Mcjagger is that a lot of us do still view this site as his baby and he worked very hard (along with other people don't get me wrong) to get this place off the ground.   He might only be one member who happened to have a problem with the shouting down of any opposition  behaviour of certain people (yes I'd discussed it with him too), but if we're going to get our knickers in a knot because one or two members threaten to leave if the pranks don't stop and see that as reason to stop them, then surely we have to consider the behaviour that made another member get sick and tired of the place?
   I know I joked about this on the away/back thread but I still think its a valid point- teejay announces he's taking an indefinite break from the place and not one person out of all those claiming the pranks are driving people away bothered to ask him why.  Why is that do you think?

Offline odeon

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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #141 on: October 31, 2007, 03:06:24 PM »
This wasn't in reference to karma smiting (something I didn't start and wasn't the only one engaged in)

most members yay or ghey others, occasionally. you did it every hour, on me, lucifer, and probably many others.

How do you know 'twas he? I tended to hit you guys
pretty often, wading through your sex chat. Probably
I'd do the same to Milla and Myself, for our silliness, when
it spams up the WC.

i didn't know. i made assumptions based on the list of members that were logged on at the time.


It was clear bullying behavior and even McJ was getting sick of their shit. (he pm'ed me about it) 

this is becoming a trend, referring to the guy who isn't here. but if McJ had that opinion, does it make it right? is he your god or something?


Scrap ain't the only person he PM'd about it.
Then he started fighting. Very soon after he
left. One can make whatever assumptions
they like out of this. I've made mine.

i've made mine, too. the only person who knows is mcj, so we probably won't know the truth unless he comes back, and maybe not then, either.

Does it make it right? Who cares. This was
just one further little bit of evidence that
some antics on the other side were driving
people away, since that seems to be the worry
about those who don't like the pranks.

i don't see that particular thing as proof of anything, just yet. i would like to know, however.
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Offline odeon

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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #142 on: October 31, 2007, 03:08:02 PM »
   I know I joked about this on the away/back thread but I still think its a valid point- teejay announces he's taking an indefinite break from the place and not one person out of all those claiming the pranks are driving people away bothered to ask him why.  Why is that do you think?

i don't know. do you?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #143 on: October 31, 2007, 03:12:21 PM »
   I know I joked about this on the away/back thread but I still think its a valid point- teejay announces he's taking an indefinite break from the place and not one person out of all those claiming the pranks are driving people away bothered to ask him why.  Why is that do you think?

i don't know. do you?

I don't- but when certain people say they're going to leave if the pranks don't stop some people seem to get in a panic and start wondering what we're going to do about it, but others leave and people don't see it as a problem.  Perhaps someone who said the pranks were making people leave has an answer to that one... can you offer your own opinion as one of those people?
« Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 03:14:34 PM by Fuck my ass, fairy!! »

Offline Calandale

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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #144 on: October 31, 2007, 03:18:20 PM »
And, even when people give something as a reason
for leaving, one doesn't know that that's the only
one, nor even the most important. We really shouldn't
be pandering to those without the fortitude to want
to stay with us, as we are. We ought to be considering
merely what is fair and right.

Offline odeon

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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #145 on: October 31, 2007, 03:27:15 PM »
I don't- but when certain people say they're going to leave if the pranks don't stop some people seem to get in a panic and start wondering what we're going to do about it, but others leave and people don't see it as a problem.  Perhaps someone who said the pranks were making people leave has an answer to that one... can you offer your own opinion as one of those people?

my only guess (based on what he posted about before he left) is that teejay's sometimes rather racist views worked against him, so he tended to get harsher replies than others. i know i called him on the opinions he posted on the actual problems board, and my theory is that if he really doesn't see my views, or those of others', as anywhere near valid, he might see them as simply attacking him. and maybe that was too much to handle, in the end.

but i haven't had that impression of him earlier, at all. he's been prepared to defend his opinions, seemingly without that sort of reaction.

but as i said, i don't know. i don't think the pranks had anything to do with him leaving, though.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #146 on: October 31, 2007, 03:28:06 PM »
Sorry I didn't mean why did he leave, I meant why did no-one bother to ask him why?

Offline odeon

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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #147 on: October 31, 2007, 05:28:20 PM »
oh. oops...

i meant to ask him and then forgot. as simple as that, for me. as for others, i can't say.
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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #148 on: October 31, 2007, 07:47:34 PM »
Sorry I didn't mean why did he leave, I meant why did no-one bother to ask him why?

I did ask Teejay why, actually.

I don't think that it is appropriate to share what he said to me privately.

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Re: How to Opt Into Pranks--The Please Prank Me List
« Reply #149 on: November 01, 2007, 11:00:22 AM »
Sorry I didn't mean why did he leave, I meant why did no-one bother to ask him why?

I did ask Teejay why, actually.

I don't think that it is appropriate to share what he said to me privately.
Lets guess, nothing to do with the pranks?