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How to Opt Out of Pranks--The Don't Prank Me List

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Most new members seem to come in,
guns blazing. Our reputation precedes

The rookie refuge was a flop cos hardly anyone posted in there-there wasn't much a sensitive noob could respond to so they always ventured out straight away.   Besides there's also the issue of how we could force other members to go easy on the ones that did restrict their posting to that one board without moderation or rules.  Also to be considered is that all of the people objecting to the pranks, in other words the more sensitive members the rookie refuge would 'protect' have been here a lot longer than 30 days.

If the sensitive noobs managed to restrict their posts to such a forum; and if the members all respected their right to ask us not to take the piss or be mean for the whole of that 30 days refuge period, can you imagine the shock they'd get when those 30 days were up.  :laugh:  If we were an evil board that would be a really cunning plan- lull them into a false sense of security with 30 days of everyone being nice to them, then bamm! hit them when they least expect with full Intensity force.  >:D

I was actually worried that I couldn't LEAVE the newbie area.  :laugh:

I came in to defend against scrap's accusations.

what i meant about the rookie board was not as much that the n00bs would be untouchable there--because that was the unspoken agreement, wasn't it?--but the very fact that it existed, that there was a need for one.

and i agree that it didn't work the way it was intended.


--- Quote from: Ass Fairy2 on October 31, 2007, 03:30:35 PM ---I was actually worried that I couldn't LEAVE the newbie area.  :laugh:

I came in to defend against scrap's accusations.

--- End quote ---

Of what??


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