Roast beef, cabbage, okra, and sweet potatoes.

I cooked beef this morning, and also has cabbage. I had okra to, plus squash, and turnip greens. Brown rice with pinto beans. Pinto beans are high up on orac value (high antioxidant protection) along with the high of prunes and blue berries. The mexican bean or whatever was highest in the Tuff's university study. I love sweet potatoes to. Wish I had one. Sweet pototoes surpress metabolism. Wild yams, not a sweet potatoe, are a source of steroidal hormone DHEA. Potatoes have protease inhibitors, red potatoes don't. High metabolism is only good for weightloss, and excellerated aging

Cabbage, high in vitamin u, also known has l glutamine, a precursor of a calmning neurotransmitter. Its good for stomach ulcers to. Sometimes you eat baised on preconscious nutritional need.
A rain man might need cabbage. Cabbage high in antioxidants to, and is frequently part of supplements because of that, pills loose potassium, so you must eat some fresh. Don't screw around with needs that aren't fully know, such as human's nutritional needs. Arsenic helps plants reproduce! it kills pests to!