awwwww, that photo is so sweet. 

"We slowed it on down, so get the hell up
Like a volcano, I'll erupt
We got determination, bass in high
White Castle fries only come in one size!What you see, is what you get
And you ain't seen nothing yet
So let it flow
Let yourself go
Slow and low, that is the tempo
Let it flow
Let yourself go
Slow and low, that is the tempo"
I am eating seedless green grapes. This morning I had a giant bowl of Froot Loops with 1% Milk. For a snack I ate several Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
"I get the Reese's candy bar. If you read that name Reese's...that's an apostrophe 's'. Reese's...apostrophe 's' on the end of that name. That means the candy bar is his. I did not know that. Next time you're eating a Reese's candy bar and a guy named Reese comes by and says, 'Let me have that!", you better hand it over. I'm sorry Reese, I didn't think I would ever run into you. You're a fucking bully man. Let me at least have a piece." -Mitch Hedberg