All food for some reason tastes meh today.
I hate that. Usually happens when I get sick.
I'm supposed to be eating 3 meals and 3 snacks. My norm is eating every 12 hours which has caused health issues. I find it hard to eat more. But today I managed 3 times so that is an improvement. Dinner was so simple but for some reason really good. Chicken wings and watermelon.
You generally don't eat enough? I noticed when I really dieted hard, it became really hard to maintain blood sugar levels without eating regularly, way after I stopped dieting. I would keep feeling faint and my heart would keep beating hard. Now that seems to have totally disappeared. It took about two years to normalise. I will never EVER go on the ketogenic diet again, or even a low carb one. It means that if I don't top up with even sugary foods (including healthy) frequently, it gives my body a slight shock when I do.
I still have days of eating very little, and/or eating too much. I'll eat too much one day then strictly diet the next. I still have fuel over from the day before so it doesn't bother me and I'm not usually hungry after a day of induldging.

Plus I don't get the faintness anymore, my body's sugar storage levels have increased again.