Hmm...porridge with peanut butter? never heard of that before. I like mine salted and swimming in a lake of molten butter, real, salty butter, not clover or any of those butter-imitation spreads. Ick.
Or covered in either golden syrup, or honey.
Never had it with peanut butter though, I might have to try that, as I've got a jar of some really nice crunchy stuff, some really high quality peanut butter, and its delicious just about any way, on sandwiches I'll even eat it straight out of the jar.
Currently noshing down 3/4 of a roast chicken, cold from the fridge, yes, as usual, slathered in lots of tabasco sauce. Washed down with dandelion and burdock.
Lutra...that looks like a plate of dog sick garnished with a tomato, if I'm totally honest