
Author Topic: What did you eat today?  (Read 189923 times)

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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5010 on: July 05, 2012, 09:28:42 AM »
Ate some 'pain d'Ardenne' on toast and an egg just half an hour ago. Bizarrely I boil the suckers too long nowadays and often they turn out to be hard.. where I like 'em p/m halfway between runny and hard. Guess me learning to do them 'Nicoise' fucked the timing up.
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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5011 on: July 05, 2012, 12:10:33 PM »
Just wolfed down a watermelon and a half, and two piel de sapo melons. I've been half-starved, having barely had a bite to eat in 4 days or so, thanks to being in hospital and them being stingy with food. Its boiling hot here where I live in the NW UK, and melons are SO refreshing. I'm actually stuffed to the gills now. Almost choked after inhaling, quite literally, a piece of piel de sapo melon that I didn't realize was still in my mouth, went into my windpipe after I swallowed, and literally shot into the loo while I was taking a leak.

At least I'm not hungry anymore.

I just read in the daily mail, about the invention of a hybrid 'limelon', a cross between a lime and a melon, with a melons fruit, and a lime's citrus acidity. Being sold in shops across the UK, although only for 3 weeks due to a very short growing season. Not got to try one yet, but as soon as I hunt down a store selling them I am going to stock up. I really want to try one. I LOVE melons, and I eat lemons and limes just like one would eat oranges, only difference is I wet the outside of the segments and roll them in a bit of sugar, preferably brown sugar.

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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5012 on: July 05, 2012, 12:20:42 PM »
Ate this, p/m half an hour ago, for dinner..

CBC and QV in a dead heat to Lutra's house.

  Surely we can share the lovely food?  There must be plenty!  :angel:
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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5013 on: July 05, 2012, 12:54:07 PM »
Thanks. Well, I'm all for sharing.. but ja, how to go about it?

Um, I've been posting on a Dutch auti-forum previous months, also pictures of the food I made that day and there were a couple of ladies talking about that 'we' should meet up (somewhere in Holland/nothing romantically). Was a nice thought and I okayed it then (1½ months ago) but.... nuttin'.

I reckon it wouldn't be very practical. Me in strange kitchen, other folks I have never met walking around me there, cooking for 4/5/6/? people.. well, I can/could but ja..
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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5014 on: July 05, 2012, 03:01:22 PM »
Mmmmmmmm....yum. Just got a shout from the ol' geezer, to tell me that he has just finished roasting a chicken, come get some when your ready.

My mom has a tiny appetite these days, so she gets a small serving, my old man and my mom share most of a breast between them and leave me the entire remainder of the chicken to myself.

I prefer it cold though, drowned in a mixture of tabasco sauce and the other tabasco, the extra hot habanero version. Y'know, chillies actually provide quite a lot of pain relief. Of a short-medium duration, but on top of my daily oxycontin it actually allows me almost complete freedom from all but my neuropathic pain, sometimes even dulling that. I NEVER get a pain-free hour on just my oxy, unless I just cooked some up for injection, not one.

I am really looking forward to the meal I am going to cook next:

A chilli con carne, made with lean steak mince, kidney beans, chickpeas, flavoured with my special gravy, which is made as follows:

A few teaspoons of fly agaric per pan of chilli, (this is a poisonous mushroom if incorrectly prepared, or if used raw, but when heat-cured/slow-dried in the oven over the lowest possible flame setting, they can be used both medicinally, as a sedative, adaptogen, anti-anxiety agent, or a kinda paradoxical stimulant, in that it boosts endurance to phenomenal levels, revivifies, whilst having no classical stimulant properties like for instance, amphetamine, caffeine, methylphenidate, cocaine etc. Instead of working on monoaminergic neurotransmission it works as an orthosteric GABAa agonist {a direct agonist, I.e at the same binding site as GABA itself}

Also useful as a fly killer, as I have posted once here before, by boiling in milk, leaving out in a bowl, whence thereon, flies are attracted to it, feed, then are poisoned by the traces of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist muscarine, fall into the milk, and if the muscarine doesn't exterminate the little bastards, they then drown in the milk. A merciful way of death compared to fly paper, fly spray etc thanks to the fly agaric also being a potent inebriant.)

Amanita muscaria, when prepared thus, lends a very meaty taste, what the japanese term 'umami', the fifth basic taste, thanks to the traces of ibotenic acid that survive the curing process (ibotenic acid exists in the fresh, raw mushroom, and is decarboxylated, loosing CO2 to the psychotropic muscimol on heating), ibotenate is a glutamate receptor agonist, toxic, but the tiny traces that survive curing are harmless to man...although not to those pestilent little blowfly bastards :D, and the umami taste's sensory transmission modality is via glutamatergic synapses in the responsible tastebuds.

A handful of rehydrated dried morels, or if one is a real lucky bastard, fresh ones.
Salt and pepper-lots and lots of black pepper, both some powdered pepper, and cracked black peppercorns. Throw in some chillis, the kind you use of course according to taste and heat tolerance, personally I favour a couple of fresh, moderately hot chillies, seeds removed, and some rehydrated dried smoked habaneros. This will make it a very hot chilli though, so be warned if attempting this recipe for the first time If you are one of those that likes either just a little warmth or likes stews without heat, don't do this one, it will make you too uncomfortable to enjoy it. Its not an endurance contest, its about creating a delicious meal that will leave you stuffed to the gills, with a smile on your face, and a gentle chilli/fly agaric relaxing buzz, glowing warmly inside.

Other spices-3-4 bay leaves, yes, at the last minute, add a litt.e concentrated tincture of Melissa. I confess; pig, slap the cuffs on, beat be senseless with your baton as soon as your filthy trotters can push  me into an area not covered by CCTV, drag me into a meatwagon, by the bad knee and force me into medication WD I plead 'guilty as hell your honor, red handed, I am a chronic lemon balm addict, I plead guilty to possession of large quantities of Melissa officianalis with intent to supply. I've been supplying hundreds and hundreds of bees. Lock me up and throw away the key :P
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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5015 on: July 06, 2012, 07:49:11 AM »
Currently wolfing down another roast chicken. Almost all of one, family buys it, roasts it, takes a tithe, just the one breast half, OCCASIONALLY some scraps for a stirfry the next day, and gives me the rest. Lol, after my recent near starvation, just what I wanted-nearly a whole cold roast chicken, COD-death by drowning in chilli sauce.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline lutra

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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5016 on: July 06, 2012, 01:44:28 PM »
For dinner I had a bowl of broccoli soup (which is very nice/if you're never tried it/please try once/easy to make too). Four pancakes after that. Two with real maple syrup ( a present from my mother after she came back from Canada).
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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5017 on: July 06, 2012, 05:01:16 PM »
I love broccoli soup.

Eat it most in the winter though.

I had cauliflower with a roux sauce, vegetarian 'meat'balls, and fried krieltjes (small potatoes).
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Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5018 on: July 06, 2012, 05:42:08 PM »
Currently wolfing down another roast chicken. Almost all of one, family buys it, roasts it, takes a tithe, just the one breast half, OCCASIONALLY some scraps for a stirfry the next day, and gives me the rest. Lol, after my recent near starvation, just what I wanted-nearly a whole cold roast chicken, COD-death by drowning in chilli sauce.

  *fills a big container with roasted chicken and Lestat's chili, and scoots away!*   :ninja:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5019 on: July 06, 2012, 05:47:40 PM »
Eggs over easy, bacon, toast.
Tuna sandwich on toast, dressed: a few pomme frites and cookies
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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5020 on: July 06, 2012, 05:56:46 PM »
Spinach ravioli with olive oil. Tagliatelle with olive oil. Olive bread with thin slices of turkey.

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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5021 on: July 06, 2012, 07:00:33 PM »
Tails, lips and assholes  Hot Dogs
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5022 on: July 06, 2012, 07:16:24 PM »
Lol CBC. I'd be more than happy to share some chilli with you, or if you had got there in time, some roast chicken too. Although I daresay, you would have to have been A-fast, and B-have an iridium-plated set of top lips and mouth to have taken a bite of that chicken. It got soaked in as much tabasco extra hot habanero version as I could physically make fit, spreading the meat out as flat and full of cracks and gaps as possible to fit more on there. And went straight from fridge, to plate, to drowned in so much tabasco, perhaps 10ml or so short of a fresh, almost full bottle got used.

I like mine fiery hot and spicy. And I've found that the endorphin release from consuming large quantities of chilli pepper/sauce actually, as long as I have taken my oxycontin (and any pod tea, codeine, morphine or other opioids that I obtain off prescription of course) that capsaicin-rich foods actually give a quite significant level of pain relief, that lasts for a few hours or so; its actually so effective that if I have taken my antiinflammatory (300mg indomethacin a day, indomethacin is a very strong NSAID; it can have a ton of side effects in people who don't tolerate it well; and is potentially lethal in acute overdose. Some NSAIDs, like ibuprofen can be taken without food, but indomethacin MUST be taken with either food, or a protective preparation of the G.I tract like gaviscon. I try my best to take it with both, and have never had any side-effects at all. A hefty slug of gaviscon with the capsules and a good high protein meal with some fat present also does the trick nicely)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5023 on: July 06, 2012, 11:46:41 PM »
PA takes Indomethecin for his gout.  Will definitely tell him to eat something (cookies maybe?) with his afternoon dose.
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Re: What did you eat today?
« Reply #5024 on: July 07, 2012, 01:04:14 AM »
Indomethacin should ALWAYS be taken with something to eat. Also, taking with gaviscon is great to ward off side effects. And if the thought of food appalls at the moment one needs the NSAID, in a pinch, such as if one is already stuffed, or feeling nauseous when one remembers the need for the indomethacin, then a slug of gaviscon can suffice.

Indomethacin is one of the stronger NSAIDs, and one that carries more severe potential side effects/danger in overdose compared to others, but it is also highly effective for those conditions its indicated for. Works well for me, one of the only NSAIDs that does.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.