I made a roast of ribs, my wife made fresh bread.
We bought fruit and corn (showing off, just a little - I want our meet-up to be memorable - not sure how much to do without overstimming him.)
Pies, meat, breads, wine.
(the man is quite like me, in that he takes a hell of a lot of overstimming and keeps an even keel, but he seems to know his limits. I am not convinced whether or not he is actually autistic or not, but he gets very jumpy, just like me, and then shuts down, just like me and then comes alive again, just like me.)
I plan for good coffee being ready when he awakens. If he is truly like me- I plan to be ready for him to awaken - he will awaken in about two hours, fucking bouncing off the walls and he will appreciate some very strong coffee to calm himself.