I hear various thoughts, I understand them, even though I don't like them. I am not low enough on self esteem to abid by those specific ones. I still understand your needs, and I can devolpe alternate solutions to them.
Brown rice, chick peas, celery (contains a photochemical that is desireable to women, however, weither it actually survives the rough and tumble of digestion, is open to speculation. I have seen the data on that, is what I am saying), and broccoli. I am sure some saw that my broccoli has yellow on it. I eat anything, except mold, not yet anyway. I have done everything else, I wouldn't stop at not eating what I am allergic to and surving.
Please don't copy my bullshit, its not cool to be monotonous. Corn has a niacin imitator, it actually interfers with niacin for depression. A certain band of indians has 2.2 or so the rates of suicide of the American population, whos rate is already high. I just picked up certain thoughts now. I don't think I am niaeve

I just remembered the indian group, its called the amerand. So repeat eating of one food can do that. Its especially dangerous if you don't know food like I do. Everyone's tollerance is different, me getting sick and you are too different things. You could wind up dead long before I do, or vis versa. I can take bee stings yet, as I have not devolped a cure. "TWO", ok Odeon and Carla? I am trying to stop that, its hard, its really is. I know how smart I am, and it just boogles my mind. It could be the rements of a people's energy that I am picking up, that relates to thoughts. That could even be something else. I know I haven't taken as many pills as I usually do, and this ginseng abuse thing can be done by me, without the aid of herbs. Its called an unusual sense of well being. Perhaps its because it makes me realize what I am really capable, and I must be greatful.