Roast beef, sweet potatoes, okra and chocolate pie.
Man, you guys always eat so well.
Except okra... 
You don't like okra?
I do, but I don't eat it very often.
I pulled out my okra plants yesterday. The nights have gotten too cold for the blossoms to set fruit. If the blossoms are pollinated, they just fall off.
I took all the fruit, even the ones that were too small and I got a five gallon bucket full.
I use them barely cooked in a stir fry, thumb-sized or smaller. The larger ones are sliced, dipped in egg, covered in corn meal and fried.
The enormous ones, which have gotten too big and tough accidentally, are boiled with a few pinches of dill. A few drops of vinegar in the stock stops the slippery slimies that some people object to.
I had a turkey sandwich.